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Serious advice needed for a new candlemaker that can't seem to get it right

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Hello and thank you in advance for reading because it's long!


I was using the EcoSoya 135 when they all of a sudden discontinued it.  I still have 3 boxes remaining :(  but afraid I can no longer continue as I plan to sell the candles I make.  I still have a lot of learning and researching before I can sell though but hoping to be more efficient going forward with your help.  


Do you suggest Soy Golden Brands 415, 444, or 464 with essential oils?  I realize fragrance oil is more economical and don't give off as much scent but I really want to stick with the non-synthetic oils.  I was looking at the bulk pricing from Jedwards



Which soy wax flakes would you recommend?  Do you also have any recommendation on where to get good bulk essential oils and EO blends, wax, wicks and elegant containers, boxes, manufacturers, labels?  


I would also very much appreciate your recommendation on which wicks to try.   I have been made aware by painful experience that this is not as easy as it seems.  I've tried the LX samples and Square Braid samples in different sizes and they've all mushroomed and left weird bumpy crystalized craters on the top surface.   Was it the oil or pour temp?


I am going to try the Eco series sample next but I was hoping for a non-paper-filled flat braid wick.  Any suggestions on this would be GREATLY appreciated with the appropriate soy wax.


I have also been playing around with the idea of adding 2 scents in a trio of candles.  I feel these oils are strong enough to emit a decent throw but it depends on the wax?  


Which oils will for sure not work with essential oils? 


What temperature should I mix the oils into the wax as to not kill the scent in any way?


Also, what is the ideal temperature to melt the wax, put the EO into the melted wax and then pour?  I have tried a variety and I haven't been able to make a candle I am satisfied with to sell.  I've made my entire house at an even 70 degrees doing this.


Any recommendation, comment, critique desperately needed.  Thank you!


And lastly, as if that wasn't enough, which combination of trio scents would you want to receive if someone were to give you a set of candles?  That's the end goal.  


Thank you very much again.  





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Hi Greg...


You have asked many questions that would take a long time to adequately answer, ....and I am certainly not qualified to answer them. But there is much information here buried in back threads. If you don't get the answers you desire from this thread, I'd suggest you either do searches for the information you want (searches in thread titles have given me the best results), or start with this front page, and go back, page by page, and read any threads that are pertinent to your interests. That's what I've done and think I'm on about page 13.


If you still have specific questions (and you probably will), come back and ask them.

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Like Incendia said.....so many questions that I think you can get a lot of answers by doing searches.  


Not that anyone is trying to brush you off, but first you need to figure out what wax you want to go with and then start reading up as much as you can and believe me you can spend weeks here learning and reading.


The only thing I can contribute to your questions is I know those 3 waxes you asked about 415, 444 and 464 are good waxes and so many use them. So you have taken a step in the right direction.  I know nothing about essential oils except of what I have learned on the board here and from what I've learned is that #1:  essential oils are very expensive and most people do not use them in their candles for the price and the essential oils burn off real quickly in a candle.  That would stop me in my tracks right there knowing that.


Type in the search bar some things like this:

Essential oils......


464 wax.....415.....444 wax


Wicking 464 wax.....


What jars are you using??????Type in wicking 8oz mason with 464


Ive used 415 and like the wax....and now use 464.....

The difference I find between the both is not much....415 needs to be poured at slush stage...464 about 149 give or take

I like them both really....I just like the fact I can pour at a higher temperature and as far as fragrance throws in oils......well, test, test, test......but you will find peoples findings of what worked in 464 for example and their thoughts just like all other waxes...


As far as wicks go for example in 464.....some love premiers, some like the lx and cd's......and even htp's work.  You have to test yourself and take good notes and see what wicks you like....some burn hot and mushroom for some people and then others don't have problems and like that choice....each individual has their own likes and dislikes.  There is no set rule for what wick goes for what wax.  YOU have to figure that out.  All we can do is post our own findings.


The most important thing is to make a proper candle using the correct amount of percentages of oils of what the waxes will take, choosing the correct wick that doesn't create a deep melt pool, choosing the correct wick for the jar you have selected and of course finding compatable fragrances that work in your wax and you get to spend thousands of dollars on all the little 1 ounce samples to test in your wax....lol


And you will get so many different opinions from so many people here, BUT you WILL find that all who come here are honest people who want to learn the correct way to produce a safely made candle and this is the place to be.





As far as fragrances go click on the fragrance section and read the tittles and you will find so much info, questions, you ddidn't even think of asking.





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I know how overwhelming this can be especially after already working with one wax only to have to start over, pretty much, with a replacement.  When I started out, I used instructions for heating, adding oil, adding colorant, cooling temperatures, etc. that I found on one of the wax and fragrance oil company websites.  Once I got that figured out, I started searching fragrance oil companies for oils that they had tested and found those oils have a strong hot throw in soy.  Rustic Escentuals is one I started with.  Now, I check this forum as there are so many people always sharing their results.  As @Trappeur said, you will still buy many, many samples to do your own testing.  More on that later. :)


For now, I would settle on one container, one wax, and order a sampling of wicks.  There are wick charts online for size of container and recommended wicks.  Here is one:  http://www.theflamingcandle.com/wick-guide/  There is/was a company that would send a large pack of all different wicks for a minimal price.  I can't remember who that was; just search on this forum or someone else might chime in if they read this.


Sorry if I'm telling you what you already know. *shudder*  


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