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Web Hosting


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Can anyone give me some reccomendations as to some good web hosting deals? I have a site, but it really needs some help. I have had it for over a year, I get lots of clicks and people call to order, but I have gotten not one dad gum order via the cart. I even checked it last week to make sure it worked (I ordered from myself):embarasse . Anyway I guess site building is not one of my strong points, but I really need some internet orders. For one thing, I am not always available to answer my phone.

I currently pay less than 10 bucks a month. I want something that I can work on myself too if I need to. But I want a professional look, and nothing that is so home-made looking. I also have my own merchant account which provides a shopping cart which I like. So it has to be something that integrates that. I looked at one place and they only do MAls and Paypal. Thanks for your help!!

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You should contact PrairieAnnie...her husband designs websites for a great price! He did mine and I couldn't be happier with it! Great people to work with and they set up everything for you- it's super easy (or else I'd still be lost!) :) And you get the hosting for a year.

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I heartily recommend Sashbox Hosting. Their hosting includes free OsCommerce/Zen shopping carts which support payments via merchant accounts and PayPal, but I feel sure you would be able to just use your own shopping cart if you preferred. Their tech support is the best I've found and believe me I've tried plenty! :rolleyes2

I'm currently using four different hosting services, but have plans of moving them all to Sashbox within the next couple of months.

HTH :)

disclaimer: No paid affiliation with them...just a VERY satisfied customer. LOL :D

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When you say you get lots of clicks and people call to order, do you mean they call you after viewing your site? If that is the case, I would still consider your site successful. At least, that is how I see it : as long as people are ordering, it does not matter to me what method they ordered by.

I did try to put an order on your site to see how it happens. What I noticed was, it did not tell me how much shipping was, at least not before I have to input my credit card number. Perhaps customers are hesitant because they may be afraid once the credit card number is input, the order will have gone through, even if the shipping amount is not what they would approve of. It might help if you could give the grand total sooner, at least before the credit card number is provided. Other than that, I don't see anything wrong with your site and don't feel it needs to be re-done.

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Thanks all!! I am going to look into all of the leads.

Suds, yes they order after visiting the site, and I guess technically it is successful, the only thing is, I am out alot, and there are time when I do not answer my phone (especially in the a.m.) So I do not want to lose out on those sales. I would love for people to order even when I am not redily available to take an order.

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Those who call after visiting your site - are they using a phone # listed on your site? If you are not able to answer this phone a lot, you could consider listing an email in place of the phone #. If they have internet capability to view your site, they should also have the capability to send an email to their order details. A missed phone call is a missed order, unless they are persistent enough to keep trying until you answer.

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You should contact PrairieAnnie...her husband designs websites for a great price! He did mine and I couldn't be happier with it! Great people to work with and they set up everything for you- it's super easy (or else I'd still be lost!) :) And you get the hosting for a year.

I have to agree,,her DH is doing mine now,,they have the best prices and they are fantastic people to know,,,HTH

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