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thanks, but I'm not the rustic master!!

Anyway you have to pour cooler that what you do for a smooth candle.

I found out that non all waxes are ok for this kind of work, but since I'm in italy I can't suggest you what wax to use, you have to ask to ours american fellow chandlers.

When I pour one layer I move gently the mold so wax splashes a bit on the side.

Then let it set til I see if I move the mold wax doesn't move. then go the same way with next layer and so on.

When I pour I don't care if some wax splashes on the side of the mold, so don't worry about it.

You can pour slow and you'll have something called "jump lines", very nice if you like it.

Don't care about freezing the mold, because after you do the first pour it will get hot, so it doesn't make sense.

Just try with your wax and find out wich is the better temp for you.

Write down all that happens, so you can remember mistakes and good things.

Good work, I want to see your pics!!!

If you're not the "rustic master" Cybersix, you must be his apprentice! :cheesy2: Your candles are beautiful! Thank you for all of your wonderful tips. You would not believe how much I've learned in the last couple of days! :yes:

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eh eh eh

It' s not a long time I joined this board, so I know exactly what you mean.

All I know (and it's not so much) I learned here!

Good luck, I can't wai to see your candles!

If you're not the "rustic master" Sabrina, you must be his apprentice! :cheesy2: Your candles are beautiful! Thank you for all of your wonderful tips. You would not believe how much I've learned in the last couple of days! :yes:
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Just remember you still need to poke your relief holes at some point.

Errrr.... Ducky, remind me again exactly what relief holes are and why they're needed? :undecided Are they to prevent shrinkage of the wax and the indentation at the top (bottom) of the candle? Poking holes is one thing (probably one of many! :shocked2: ) I never do because I figure I'm not going to be seeing the bottom... :embarasse

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