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Fear of success.. My turn?!??


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Hi all, I didn't say my opinion when the thread was opened.

Now I begin to feel a little worried.

The first part of the fundraiser for the animal shelter went good.

So they asked me to do 25-30 pillars for the next appointment.

Plus, the hairdresser (who is so kind, she has my candles and firestarters in her shop) says she has a list of people interested in my candle, so tomorrow I have to call and see what I have to do.

I'm happy, but I don't know if I can make it all.

I work 8 hours a day (5 days a week) as software developer, I live on my own so everything that concerne the house (and the cats) it's up to me.

I hope I will have time and possibility to do all things I have to do, I really want to succeed but I'm scared at the same time.

Thanks for reading me and thanks to all CT members, I feel you're my friends.

Ciao da Milano!!

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Guest EMercier

I do that as well. I have to figure in that I work 8 hours a day (not including commuting) as well as go to school FT. I never get a complaint. There have been about 1-2 times I"ve called to tell them I need another day or two and I've had no problems and they order again. You can only do but so much. I also pace myself and if needs be I make a little each day.

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I hear you! I know exactly what you mean. I have a 2-year-old, and while some people can manage their time and seem to have a clean house on top of it all, I certainly haven't found the ability to do that. I'm learning that what helps me is to make sure that every time I start to get stressed, I take as much time as it is necessary to recenter myself. For me, that means prayer and spending time with my family, until I can tackle the problem or order without anxiety. Also, I do my very best to say NO when I have to - and the more I set proper boundaries and only accept what I can do, the more people respect my business and will wait for however long it takes, as long as I'm growing in a deliberate way.

I'm so excited for you, and I hope you find much continued success with your candle business!

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People tend to be more understanding if you explain why it won't be ready until xxx day. If you just say, I can't give it to you until xxx day, it doesn't sound so good. Make it sound positive - say something like "the candles are made fresh to order so it will take n days to prepare".

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HI,,I know that I do not work,,,But running my house can be a full time job @ times. On my website I ask for up to 2 weeks and depending on how many orders I have to Deliver local are done up to 7 days. Usually if you let your customers know a time limit,,they will respect that. I think that it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRADULATIONS!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Dont panic,,,keep a positive focus and I know you can do it!!!.....

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