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Business Name ??? HELP!!!


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I've just started doing shows. I have order forms with me when I do a show but people are asking for business cards. I've been trying to come up with a business name since Christmas. I'm having a very hard time coming up with something catchy thats not already out there. Any Ideas????? I'm tired of pulling my hair out!

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Little hard to help you without knowing what the look you want is or what you've been considering or what products you're offering etc. So could you be more specific?

Think of things you like/love, your area, things associated with you etc. See if that helps form any ideas.

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I wrote down a list of words/phrases that I liked and then went back to the name I thought of first, lol. Think about what makes you unique and also some interesting things about your town, childhood, family, house, etc . . . Looks for something creative that will also match your candle style. For instance, if you have a more country style, choose a name that will go with that. I have a more classic (read: not country) style, so I went with something that would fit with my style.

Throw out some descriptive things about you and we'll help get the creative juices flowing!

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Right now the only candles I make are carved candles, so I was thinking something along those lines, but after joining this site and reading hundreds of post and looking a pictures I think I want to do some containers and pillers also. I have had people wanting scented candles or just don't want to spend the money on a candle they won't burn "there to pretty to burn" I hear that alot. I'm missing out on sales just doing the carved! Plus, the carved are alot harder to package & transport to shows so I could take more candles to sell if I start making other candles. I have a show next month OMG I need to get busy, I have to order a different wax, colors & scents. Any ideas for a newbie who's only made carved candles. This will be my third show, the last one was a total flop. It was outside rainy & cold. Sorry, I know I'm going on & on, I just have so much going thru my head right now. I think I need to take a break.....go make a candle or something :)

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My suggestion would be...start with votives if you only have a month before your next show..Containers are the Hardest candles to make and have burn right..and right now people love votives..

so that might be a good starting point! As far as a name what about Your name?

I don't know what kinda types you like..Shabby shic,country,primitive,contempory....I like candle queen!


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I just came up with my name and my husband and I sat around talking about a name. I thought about why I like candles. I like how they look in my house ... I wanted to do something different than use my name but I will probably include it in such a way. My name is Radiant Glow Candles and I will probably include my name by saying something like Radiant Glow Candles - Hand poured or handmade by Judy (I'm not sure yet but something along those line). Also, try to not put so much pressure on yourself, I think it hurts your creativity.

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