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First Internet Order with bogus Information??


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Got my first web order this weekend... But with some big problems...

  1. Email address says that it is not valid.
  2. Phone double rings, then stops. (It's weird)
  3. Credit Card went through BUT I called Merchant Credit Card Co. to verify name that the customer gave me the merchant gave me the Credit Union to call to verify.. Got a voice recording to leave a message. So I did.. waiting to hear back from them...
  4. Went to white pages.com to verify this lady... No one comes up under that name and number or address.

Everything seems bogus except the CC which went through!! :cry2:

This is all to weird.. Now I wonder if the card is stolen ??:shocked2:

I was so excited to get my first Internet order too!!

I just got it up and running..

Guess I will have to wait and see if the credit union calls me back.

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Was the ship to address the same as the billing address?

Did you do a reverse look up on the phone number at anywho.com? Unless it's a cell phone, it should will give you a name, along with an address for that phone number. You can see if that name matches the name on the credit card.

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Was the ship to address the same as the billing address?


Did you do a reverse look up on the phone number at anywho.com? Unless it's a cell phone, it should will give you a name, along with an address for that phone number. You can see if that name matches the name on the credit card.

No listings were found via name and address and/or reverese look up!!:confused:

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Hmmmm...very suspect.

I wouldn't want to bother with that order. A wrong email address and a funky phone number. You can't do business with a person like that. Of course, who knows...if it'a a delivery to someone in NY or somewhere where they've had a snowstorm, phone lines could be down and perhaps that would explain the strange phone experience.

The whole thing gives me a bad vibe though.

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Just curious...Did you hear back from the credit union?...Also, the e-mail address could've been typed incorrectly by accident (it's happened to me before). Also, try a site called www.zabasearch.com with the persons name and state. You may get a phone number.

This sounds like a bogus order, but there's also the change it's legitimate.

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Also, try a site called www.zabasearch.com with the persons name and state. You may get a phone number.

That is a great site!!

Yes, just heard back from them.

They did confirm that the name and address are correct and matches the Credit Card.:cheesy2:

The credit card went through and the address and name match what they have at the credit union, so I guess I will send it.

Thanks for all your help, SockMonkey and andreah1975!!!!:cool2:

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keep in mind that email is not perfect. i have one person that i try to keep in touch with who has aol, and my emails go through to her about 20% of the time. also, if it's hotmail, yahoo, any of the free services, they are far from perfect. even my own email, using outlook, sometimes gets returned to people.

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Just curious...Did you hear back from the credit union?...Also, the e-mail address could've been typed incorrectly by accident (it's happened to me before). Also, try a site called www.zabasearch.com with the persons name and state. You may get a phone number.

This sounds like a bogus order, but there's also the change it's legitimate.

Great website....I just wish I wasn't too cheap to pay to get more scoop.


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That is a great site!!

Yes, just heard back from them.

They did confirm that the name and address are correct and matches the Credit Card.:cheesy2:

The credit card went through and the address and name match what they have at the credit union, so I guess I will send it.

Thanks for all your help, SockMonkey and andreah1975!!!!:cool2:

No problem..my pleasure!

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