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Is this cheating with a scrub base?

Guest EMercier

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Guest EMercier

Ok is is cheating to use this sugar scrub base? I used this once before. I wanted to add brown sugar to give it a little color. And stretch it. I have some left from before and wanted to test it out. I might even add a little shea to it. I'm not worried about the oil separating because I was in Walmart and I saw a scrub with the oil at the top. Their instructions were to mix well before using. Here are the ingredients that are in the scrub. I'm about to see what the last two ingredients are.


Refined Sugar, Almond Oil, Virgin Olive Oil,

Glycerin, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Methylisothiazolinone.

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Do you mean you are buying a sugar scrub already made and sold under a particular brand name and you plan on adding ingredients to that? If so, that's more than cheating--it's probably illegal and you could get sued for it if you ever got caught.

If you're buying sugar scrub that is sold as a "base" then that is not cheating anymore than using M&P for soap is considered cheating.

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Guest EMercier

No it's just a base that you add stuff to. I wouldn't take someone else's stuff take it out of the pail and repackage as my own. It's just like getting a shower gel base and adding something to it.

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Ok is is cheating to use this sugar scrub base? I used this once before. I wanted to add brown sugar to give it a little color. And stretch it. I have some left from before and wanted to test it out. I might even add a little shea to it. I'm not worried about the oil separating because I was in Walmart and I saw a scrub with the oil at the top. Their instructions were to mix well before using. Here are the ingredients that are in the scrub. I'm about to see what the last two ingredients are.


Refined Sugar, Almond Oil, Virgin Olive Oil,

Glycerin, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Methylisothiazolinone.

I found these websites and a few others on the last ingredients you have listed. This is scarey.



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not sure if I missed it in one of the list articles but that Methylisothiazolinone has been shown to pass through the placenta in pregnant women to the baby and worse yet to pass through the blood/brain barrier and accumulate in the brain. This was found while by researchers were looking into why there is a climb in ADD and other neurological disorders in children. It's in a lot of shampoos that I have seen.

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OMG, is anything safe anymore?? I just don't know what to believe and not to anymore. As one study says one thing and another completely negates it. Its very concerning and confusing for the consumer (me included). I use SLSa, looks like I should STOP!!

How is this slipping past the gov't, it seems like the repercussions will be wide spread by these chemicals :confused:

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OH GOOD, they were soooooo close in name I thought it was (even tho I haven't seen that exact name SLSa listed on any articles). THANK YOU Robin, :whoohoo:as my powder bb is a hit and I didn't want to stop carrying it, but would have for health reasons.

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Methylisothiazolinone - am curious why you're against this ingredient. It's just a preservative. Unless you make it yourself and choose not to use a preservative, a form of preservative is used in almost everything you put on your body.

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I agree there is cause for concern, but most preservatives aren't good for you. I just personally to choose the lesser of two evils. Which for me is a preservative. Granted, I don't use that one, I use a more evil one that contains parabens...lol

Just about anything you research, you'll find bad about. You just have to weigh the benefits and reprocussions.

And I don't know if you thought you may have offended me, but I promise you didn't. An intellectual conversation never scared me! (or cussing matches either..lol)

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Thanks Bunny! I noticed on the sites I listed above that they are selling products, so they have a financial gain in making these claims. I agree that we need to choose the lesser evil. I for one don't want mold or bacteria in my products either...gross! Mold and bacteria can make people just as sick...I'm sure. I'm confident everyone on this forum makes healthier products than that found in stores by using quality ingredients and the lowest amount of preservatives needed to get a long lasting product. Just the fact that this topic came up shows how careful everyone is to make their products safe! I'm thankful to have found a place to discuss things like this because there will be a time when I will need to use preservatives if I make homemade bases. Thanks again.

;) -Joanna

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Do you mean you are buying a sugar scrub already made and sold under a particular brand name and you plan on adding ingredients to that? If so, that's more than cheating--it's probably illegal and you could get sued for it if you ever got caught.

If you're buying sugar scrub that is sold as a "base" then that is not cheating anymore than using M&P for soap is considered cheating.

i was wondering if this is true. i haven't used any one product and resold. but i do put stuff i but at wal mart and craft stores. like Vaseline and i have used a vitamin e cream before i got the oil.never gave it much thought but i also read ware some people bought stuff buy the gallon at Sam's.is this illegal.

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Guest EMercier

I've known people to do this with candles and other stuff. I just cannot get my scrub base right and I've used this before, but I wanted to try something different making my own. I'll have to tweak it some more.

Wanted to edit to add, I've used the base before, but I wanted to make my own scrub instead of buying a base and adding to it. I'm hoping that makes sense.

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