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** Whats in your pot this weekend/next week? **

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OK, time to tell us all your plans :) Got any? It's supposed to snow this weekend, and, sob, my order of RBO seems to be lost in the mail, and I'm out! :embarasse big oops... And I have 3 new scents I want to test - Coconut, Morning Dove, and Clemantine & Lavender (brownie points to anyone who can guess the vendor).

So I'll be cleaning and reorganizing my areas I guess. Might take the time to play with a hurricane - I've only got 1343 but that'll be good enough just to see the process.

Have a great weekend!

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Heck I was just going ask what it smells like lol!

Well aside from basketball sub-state championship games to cover, Ummm I have a mimosa punch and cap hazelnut (the last of it sob) to pour. There's other stuff to do, but I'm having problems kicking my bootie in gear to get them done.

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After going on a health food market tour sponsored by the local Chef Shoppe tomorrow, I'll be pouring Love Spell containers for a friend's daughter. Then pouring testers in 8 oz. square masons.

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I'm playing with dipped roses and tarts/wax melts...i bought one of the candle warmer thingies and have been testing FO's that I have found dont throw when burned to see if I can use them for tarts...hopefully I can use them! and I ordered some aroma beads and am going to play with them next week. Having fun!!!

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Hi Robin,

My order for supplies will be here tonight. :yay:

I have 4 pouring pots coming. LOL

I am going to place them in my turkey roaster to make seperate scented tart batches.

this should be a faster way for me.

Got tired of having only 2 pots.

I also ordered a few pillar molds can't wait to try.

Have a great weekend !!


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I got my samples of WYW's high end fo's. I am pouring Tibetan Black Tea right now..wow..loving that. I poured Persimmon and Water Orchid yesterday...very nice and I am not a floral person. Leha Leha was also nice. I am very impressed with all three. I did Love Spell last week and tho I am not a perfume person, I was very impressed with that scent. Also did Citrus Splash in all kinds of funky spring color combos....that was fun!!!!


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Pouring like crazy for a show next weekend! Will be pouring more lilac and Wisteria as well as Amish Harvest and Cranberry Cinnamon and Montego Bay, Cucumber Melon as well. Have to do the matching clamshells as well. Then labeling all of these. Thank Goodness I got a great deal poured last week. They're curing.

Will order and test a few new scents after the show. I have to order more clamshells too. Maybe as many as 1,000 if I can afford it. It will depend on the show and how well I do.;) I have decided the scents that will be poured for the next tart swap as well.:grin2: Will pour them next week.

The novel is coming along very nicely. Now that the first 40 pages are completed, it's really beginning to flow.:yes: :wave:


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Yay, my RBO is here! Always happens - I wait and wait. Then call. And that's the day it gets delivered. Never fails :)

So, I *do* get to soap! Heck with the taxes lol....

Glad to here the novel's going well, I'll think "no writers block" for ya :)

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Speaking of taxes, I guess I better get started on mine. 'Typically' I get money back so I don't know why I'm procrastinating.....:undecided

Guess that's what I'll be working on.....

I think I'll get some cold candles made....I have the sniffles:embarasse

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Lets see.. Whats in the pot

I have a "Caribbean Fruit" 16 oz Container to pour.. I have a order for Rose FO ( gag) votives and tarts to make for an order. Have some tarts to make for the Tart Swap ... Speaking of that.. Need to go work on it LOL

Edited to add, just sold 4 dipped bunnies to add to my pot


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It's been a while, but I'm back to playing with hot wax! :yay:

I have a couple of orders to pour and then I have a slab of Alabaster's para/soy blend to pour some testers with. I picked it up last Friday when I went to Louisville to see my daughter and Herb (mostly to see my daughter!). I'm also seriously working on apothacary jars. I've been playing a bit with different jars - these are ordinary, but easier to wick. I've had the most success with them.

Got some sample scents and I think I might pour some Pink Peppercorn and Eternity first. OOOHH I love getting back into the swing of things!

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Got a few small orders to fill before working on the next wholesale order. I have pillar sets in some funky combos to do in:

Chestnuts & Brown Sugar - purples

Fruit Slices - dark blues

Also Caribbean Dreams and bayberry sets.

I have some new scents from Greenleaf to test too...plus my son's bday party on Sunday!

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Going to work on website with my husband.He is off but the last 2 week-ends he had to work.I have been looking for 16 ounce mason jars (don't want to ship) and they are no where to be found.Not even 8 ounce mason jars.I tried a place that sells jars wholesale and NONE.So I have been spending alot of time getting "NO WHERE". Will be weighing things too for website.I did some but got sidetracked and did not write it down.Just wanted an idea what things weighed.

Made 200 tarts the last 2 days and have 1/2 packed so packing the rest tomorrow.Have another small order to finish.She said wait because she did not have money last week.Also made 6 lotions and 6 antibacterial soaps. Had order for that.MIGHT be making another 200 tarts.Waiting for reservations to come in for a charity auction and I am doing the favors. Hope they are waiting till the last minute because I can use that big order.

Going to re-organize my work area.I did but needs more since I have been working on things this past week.I try to put it back but it never fails something gets out of place.After that the computer room.Going through closets and papers.Already got rid of alot but more will be gone this week-end.

I don't care for the perfumes either but my friend loves HEAVEN and now I am hooked.She liked her car freshener and then wanted 2 tarts.Put them in her sock drawer and said the drawer smells "heavenly"


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Still unpacking my office. Pouring a few jars for orders this weekend, designing labels, setting up new soap racks if I can get the boxes unpacked since they are along the wall I need to put the rack on. Pouring the last of the tarts for the swap, and labeling all the soap swap soaps. Oh, working on the new site too. Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it.

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