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Spellkast's First B&B SWAP.......


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I gave four testers/samples in a baggie: Endless Love Perfume Oil, Whipped Coffee Butter Facial Scrub, Soy Lotion Stick, and Pink Sugar Whipped Body Butter. These are all products I've been testing and would really like feedback on. I have gotten feedback from others not in the swap, but am waiting to your feedback before I either re-do or put out on the market.

PLEASE whoever hasn't given me feedback PLEASE PLEASE help me :D. You can leave feedback here or pm me. I'm a big girl I can take it :tiptoe:

TIA :)

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:o sorry maryann... it's tough to get to everyone's when there's so much lying around. BUT I'm on a mission to get through everyone's products before the next b&b swap gets to me! I have used the coffee butter facial scrub. I'll go leave feedback for that right now!
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I know how hard it is, I did 2 at the same time (plus getting ready for two more swaps) so I can't even imagine doing more than that. There's been no action on that swap board for awhile so I wasn't sure if it was forgotten. I really count on other B&B makers for feedback more so than from customers because I think your experience give better, stronger, true feedback. Didn't mean to stir sorries just feedback ;) I appreciate the help.

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Endless Love Perfume Oil, Whipped Coffee Butter Facial Scrub, Soy Lotion Stick, and Pink Sugar Whipped Body Butter.

Maryann - Here are my reviews!

Endless Love Perfume oil - lovely! Excellent staying power!

Whipped Coffee Butter Facial Scrub - I would not use this on my face...mostly because it has a fragrance oil. I did use it on other parts of my body....love the scent! Would you share the fo source? If not - completly understand!

Soy Lotion Stick - really liked this! I'm not usually a big fan of lotion bars (they feel weird to me for some strange reason) but this didn't leave me with that weird feeling. Noticed that you put "all natural" (or something to that effect) on the label and its really not since you use a fragrance oil.

Pink Sugar Whipped Body Butter - I actually brought this to work with me today. I love it! So creamy smooth and the color is wonderful!

I loved your other items too! Had lots of fun with the bubble bath and melts :).


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Hi MaryAnn,

The perfume was very nice. Love the smell

The face scrub - seem to dry my face out. Nice creamy texture. Not crazy about smell but I don't like coffee.

the Pink sugar scrub was awesome. Very nice.

Not sure about lotion bar. I'm not crazy about then anyway.


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SORRY about being a PITA about the testers, I appreciate the help. I'm REALLY torn w/ the facial scrub as I've gotten 50/50 w/ reviews ????? :undecided

The Vanilla Hazelnut Mocha came from MC http://www.mcsoywax.com/fragrance_descriptions.htm

Thanks regarding the labelling, I switched from EO's to FO's (stay power is better) and didn't drop the all-natural.

THANKS again :)

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