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First CP tomorrow - help w/recipe

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Finally got my durn lye in - thank goodness!

Here's my recipe that I came up with (took a basic one & played with it)

Castor 4%

Coconut (76) 10%

Palm 16%

Palm Kernal 12%

Shea 16%

Soybean 12%

SAO 14%

Olive Pomace 16%

The numbers looked good to me but I'm not sure I'm reading the thingee right. Should the cleansing be higher? I just don't want a soap that will strip my skin, I just hate that.

All right y'all, gimme some opinions :D

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The numbers look pretty good! 60 is a fab number for conditioning, and 14 for cleansing shouldn't dry out your skin.

Make it, then make a totally different recipe, and compare the two. Then make another, and compare it too! It's all subjective!

Good luck on your first batch!

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I am a newbie, so I don't have too much to say, LOL! But I will say, the recipe looks ok to me, except I wouldn't use that much shea in it, but that is just me. I think that your cleansing is supposed to be on the lower side if you are wanting it just for a regular bar. But I may not know what I am talking about, LOL!

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