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CP in Embed Molds?

Grumpy Girl

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I'm gonna play around with this over the weekend, but I was wondering if anyone had tried it, and how it turned out. I imagine that you can't let it gel because of the heat warping the mold. I plan on using the Pristine log molds since I have a zillion of them lying around.

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I put CP soap in my silicone embed molds all the time. But that's silicone and can withstand high heat. I've never tried with my plastic embed molds, but have with some of my milky way (full size individual bar) molds when doing a GM soap. I don't let my GM soaps gel anyway, so they work well in these molds. Never had a problem of it warping the mold. I would think if it's the small embed plastic molds, if your soaping temps are low and you don't let it gel, it should be fine. :)

HTH a little.

ETA: I just saw that you said "Pristine log mold". Umm I have no idea what those are so can't comment on them.

I have put CP in some of the plastic embed molds that I got from Go Planet Earth. They are a hard plastic, almost like PVC but not quite as hard. If the molds you are talking about are like that, they should be fine, even if they do gel. :)

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