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Chamber of Commerce


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Has anyone joined their local chamber? I am supposed to be getting some information in the mail. If anyone has joined can you tell me what the benefits are? I know that it maybe different for each chamber but I just am trying to get an idea of what they do and how it would help me..



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Oh Lorrie.. The one in my town is fantastic! The networking potiential is wonderful! We have "Business After Hours" where a business hosts and we talk about what direction our town is in and how to bring in new businesses, as well as promote our own. Board meetings once a month (although general membership is not required to go, you'll rub elbows with the high dollar people with the big bucks..lol) Golf tourney's, welcome wagon, formal dance, high tea, BBQ's all kinds of stuff! They'd recommend me to anyone who even said the word candle or soaps, worked with me on ways I could get free or little cost advertising!

I'm under the impression that all CoC's are run independently, as they vary between prices and services. Most will also let you pay quarterly.

How much will your dues be and what do they offer?

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Oh Lorrie.. The one in my town is fantastic! The networking potiential is wonderful! We have "Business After Hours" where a business hosts and we talk about what direction our town is in and how to bring in new businesses, as well as promote our own. Board meetings once a month (although general membership is not required to go, you'll rub the high dollar people with the big bucks..lol) Golf tourney's, welcome wagon, formal dance, high tea, BBQ's all kinds of stuff! They'd recommend me to anyone who even said the word candle or soaps, worked with me on ways I could get free or little cost advertising!

I'm under the impression that all CoC's are run independently, as they vary between prices and services. Most will also let you pay quarterly.

How much will your dues be and what do they offer?


First off thanks for answering. It seems you have been answering alot of mine lately. As far as what they offer ~~ Don't know. I am trying to get the information. I was hoping something like what you had said above but I am not sure. I don't have any of the information. Hopefully the dues won't be bad.

Thanks again


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We're charter members of a new chamber in our valley - we're starting one :) The closest chamber was Jacksonville, and we wanted one that was more specific to our region. We call it a Business Association, but it basically belongs to the chamber network... Meetings every month, we pool money for advertising, DH built their webpage with business services, we have a business fair once/year (first one was last year). Have gotten some business from it.

And lots of junk mail from a real estate company that used the business list to send out mail asking if we want to sell our home, grrr....

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Did you check out the website? It's http://www.harborbeachchamber.com/

Did you glance at the bylaws? The don't look to strict to me.

Ask if you can attend the next chamber meeting on April 4th to get a feel for things. (If you haven't made up your mind by then)

Bring lots of business cards and brochures - but don't flaunt them. When you introduce yourself as "Lorrie from J & L Creations, and I make "insert stuff here". Then actively listen to them. If you have a potential buyer, they'll let you know by asking for info. Cramming your stuff down most business people's throat will totally piss them off. Especially since they will all be in business for themselves too.

My dues were 50 bucks a quarter, and worth every penny plus some.

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One step ahead of me again Bunny.. Thanks. I will have to read all the information. I actually cold called the Executive Secretary. He is the one that I have interested in the guest sized soaps. I have been to the site before but I musted have missed that part about the by laws. Thanks again!

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I signed up DH stainglass business with our Chamber and he got listed in the Business Directory, we attend a Breakfast Business Circle once a month. We have a couple of pieces hanging in the office along with our brochures and business cards. Along with the Ribbon Cutting and after hours dinners. I also get to test burn one of my candles during the meetings lol.. ;)

Its alot of fun networking with the Chamber and other Business


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