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Tart foil liner question

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Howdy yall. I want to make some tarts to burn and I have some tart wax I bought last year and finally decided to buckle down and make some. My question is on foil liners. Do I need to place them into anything before pouring the wax in them?

Thanks :D

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You do have to put the liner into the mold itself in order to keep it's shape while pouring the wax into it. Way back, when I first started making tarts, I used the mini muffin liners in the mini muffin tins and they worked just fine.

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I guess the liners you are talking about are the muffin pan cupcake liners. If you are going to use the metal muffin pans, then yes, I would line them. Those metal pans don't flex, so without the liners in those it's very diffucult to remove the wax. If you use the silicone muffin pans you don't have to line those.

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If your talking about the mini foil cup cake liners, then you don't need a pan to put them in. Just line them up, don't let them touch cause the wax with spill over the sides, and pour. I always put the liners on a tray first then pour my wax in. Because they have the foil they hold up. Poured many a tarts this way so I know they work with out a muffin type pan.

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Thanks. I haven't made these yet but I found my wax in my craft room finally so am thinking of trying to do these this weekend.

One more question. What is the maximum amount of fo I can use when making tarts? I know I can add 1oz per pound right? I have lots of fo to use up so I'm not concerned with being conservative. I believe one can add to much oil and ruin the wax right? So what is the maximum?

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It depends on the type of wax you use and what its limits are. I use 50/50 OK6228 and J223 and use 1 oz FO to 12 oz of wax. I make 1 ounce tarts, a dozen at a time when I'm testing samples, that's why I'm using 12 oz and not 1 lb at a time. I never have any seepage and get nice strong tarts. Every once in awhile I get a scent that is naturally light and it won't throw as strong even using this amount. Then there are the heavy, vanilla based scents that you may not be able to use at these percentages. The only way to find out about those is to try it and see.

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TexasBrat.. kyparsoy for tarts/votives blend is what i use . my scents in this wax has a good cold & hot throw and of course its close to me so i buy from ky to save some on shipping. tarts are so easy to pop out of the tart molds , let them cool then put in fridge for a about 3 mins, then turn them over and they pop right out( i usually just very easy tap mine on the table and they fall out) if i use the foil or paper liners... i just let them cool completly then peel paper off, the mini foil papers looks good left on the tarts.

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Oh, I thought she was using a container wax for her tarts, thus; it's why I thought she was using the foil cups. Obviously a votive wax would be hard enough to pop out of a muffin tin without a foil liner.

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