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Oils in bath salts~~~FYI


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HOLY CRAP, it's sooooo unbelievable, and yet it looks as though it's happened many times to many different people. :eek: and double :eek:

I agree with you Bunny, it just doesn't make sense to me either though, how can people make salt scrubs which is basically the same ingredients that these people were using for bath salts (more salts obviously though) and never have a problem with those???? :confused:

Now I want to make bath salts just to "see" if this happens. LOL I'll make sure and use them only when I KNOW someone can come rescue me if I get "glued" to anything. LOL

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I couldn't believe this post either- :shocked2:H Ma Ga!!

I made salt bars yesterday for the first time, does that apply?? It seems like I have the makings of a glue bar, I used oils, Peppermint EO, table salt (DOES THAT COUNT??) and glycerin to mix my colorant with. I'm very paranoid now, these bars are sticky, so I washed my hands with one to see what would happen. After I dried them they seemed tacky but was smooth after the dampness went away. Please tell me table salt since its different than sea salt doesn't apply to this !!!

Thank Carrie for that info, Thank goodness my bath salts have no oil w/ them and I don't use EOs w/ the salts anymore. Does this apply to FOs as well (it seems like it would). I'll be adding a line of info w/ the salt tags saying not to mix with any other bath product as problems (disaster) could result! :undecided

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i wouldn't go as fars as thinking it turned to glue but 2 ingredients i would stay away from that could alter the tecture are glycerin and epsom salts( if used with oil) since either can get goopy , dissolve or gummy...blech!

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