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Containers: sticking the wick

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Good morning, gang,

Well, I've managed to gather some supplies...four kinds of wax to experiment with, wick samples, some little jars, and fragrances.

As I was thinking through the process it occurred to me...how do I go about getting the wick to stay in place while I pour?

What do you all do? (I have tabbed wick samples.)



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Wick Stickums!! If you need something immediately, you can use a dab of 100% silicone on the bottom of the tab, let it set up for a little bit, then pour. Should be able to get it at any hardware store. Then, get yourself some wick-stickums :)

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Thanks beth-vt, and butterfingers,

I do have a glue gun!!! That means I may acutally get a candle made today, if I can find it.

But for the long haul, "wick stickums" would probably be a good idea. Are there different brands or sizes that I should be aware of? Is "wick stickum" a brand name? What else would they be called, like is there a generic name that I would search under?



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I've seen wick stickums (love 'em and use 'em myself, by the way) in two sizes, the 15mm (for votive/tea light size wick sustainer bases) and 20mm for the larger candle sizes, such as jar candles. All I can say is don't use the small ones on 20mm sustainer bases. Doesn't work. Ask me how I know. :laugh2:

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If you are only testing I would pour your wax in the jar,,,then after it sets up,,poke a hole in the center of the container with a bamboo stick ,,take the tab off your wick and put in the hole,,when you are wanting to try another wick in the same jar just take some pliers and pull it out and do it again till you have what you want,,Dont waste your time on glueing it to the jar if you are only testing,,,Unless you are giving it to some one that is testing it for you,,JMHO:D

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