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First candles, tarts, and favor pics.


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Ok, here I go bearing my soul like others before me. These are my very first candles, tarts and favors for a baby shower that I am doing. I know that I have a LONG way to go yet but didnt think for my very first ones that they came out too bad!


The candle in the foreground is the very first one ever made! You can really tell!! The one in front is the second one I made! Please dont laugh as I am sharing these as I know that I have a long way to go yet!!


This is the first candle that I made using color. It was a bit hard with the small size candle and phone calls coming in while carving!!


This is the first large colored candle that I tried making!!


A little closer view!


A large one that I made and am playing with on how I want to decorate it with what I have on hand at home!

p1010136medium4ev.th.jpgAnother view


First votives using one pour wax. These are the second votives I ever made. First kind were plain white and not repour! These I made for my youngest daugthers 19th birthday, scented Love Spell. I am not happy with the total burn quality of these as I think they should last alot longer. The cold throw is decent but now how it should be. The hot throw also was decent but not up to my standards!! They did have a great melt pool and burned fine but wasnt happy with the mushrooming of the zinc wick. I also tried burning one without trimming and that is the one that didnt do great in regards to the mushrooming. BTW-these were done in the pink for HER as it is her favorite color! LOL


These are some blue Baby Magic tarts that I made for a baby shower. They smell great and melt great! She knows she is having a boy, thus the blue!


These are wax diaper favors for the shower that I was playing around making. They are made from flannel and cut and folded into the shape of a diaper. I still want to work on them to make them look better and only made up these two thus far!

Ok all, I have exposed myself! Enjoy viewing, dont laugh too hard! LOL


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Thank you all for your sweet comments! They are encouraging to me as I know that I have a long way to go yet and as these are my first, Im hopeful that I will get MUCH better! Especially after I get a proper melter!!

Im tickled you all like the little diaper favors! I was trying so hard to think of something that I could make to implement candle making with favors and this is what I briefly came up with. I still will work on them to make them much better and hope that the Mommy-2-B will like them. Now, I get to make them for my own daughters baby showers so you KNOW Ill be tweeking them better! LOL

I have a question though, I have not sprayed these favors to add shine and need to check into the safety of doing so. I dont know if it would be SAFER to leave them as is in case someone wants to just put mints or nuts and such right into them or to coat them with something! These are NOT scented!! I will be doing some that are scented to see how the wax and material hold up but would have caution lables on the bottom so food would NOT go directly into the cups!

Next, I am going to make larger "diapers" for the scraggle bears to "Sit" in. Ill post when I do that and you call can be honest with me on how you think it looks!

Again, Thanks!

God Bless,


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