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Hand mixer for whipped shea?

Guest EMercier

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Guest EMercier

OK, I tried melting my oils and just pouring them into a jar for unwhipped body balm or whatever you want to call it and it is nasty. I don't like it. I could use something to cut the grease, but it's like hair grease. YUK!

SO, I bought some of that Soy Butter from Kangaroo blue and wondering if I could use a regular hand mixer for it?

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When I do my whipped shea butter (LauraC's recipe from Candle Cauldron) I use a cheap hand mixer and it works great. I melt all my stuff in a glass bowl, put it in the fridge til it starts to get a thick skin on top then whip the dickens out of it. HTH

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Is it possible to over whip shea butter? After almost an hr of beating it still doesn't seem to be getting light and fluffy-it's rather flat-i dunno maybe I'm not using the right oils? I have tried both apricot kernel & hemp seed. lol and as for coloring-i thought a light blue would be pretty but it turned out a nasty gray


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Try putting it in the freezer for about 5 minutes or so then try whipping again. Sometimes it just needs to cool a little before it'll whip right. I've never used apricot kernel so I don't know if that could be the problem.

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I used to use a handmixer until I got a great deal on a kitchen aid standmixer. Holy Crap does that thing rock! Not only has it cut the "whipping" time in half, there is less waste as the whisk attachment doesn't hold onto alot of product like the beaters from my hand mixer did.

I think it was Kim that posted about a decent standmixer you can get from Walmart for around 60 bucks or so if you don't wanna spring for a kitchen aid.

Also, to cut down on the greasiness, some people add cornstarch, dryflo or natursorb. I personally found theseto make my final product too stiff so I use some of the silicone based additives such as isopropyl myristate or cyclomethicone. What a HUGE difference they make!


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Guest EMercier

Anyone have a picture of that mixer from walmart? I see one on their website, but it lookes like a handmixer with a bowl. There are actually two, one is $30 and the other is $60.

I could go to ATL and get my mom's kitchen aid. She doesn't need it!

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Anyone have a picture of that mixer from walmart? I see one on their website, but it lookes like a handmixer with a bowl. There are actually two, one is $30 and the other is $60.

I could go to ATL and get my mom's kitchen aid. She doesn't need it!

Go get the Kitchenaid! Like Elizabeth said, they rock! I just picked up a professional model for less than the basic model, brand new.

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LOL, I didn't even look to see where you are located. That would be a bit too far for a Sunday drive wouldn't it? Sorry, but I would get it when you get a chance. Until then you might want to try a sunbeam mixer or similar.

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