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Help with a recipe. Please


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Some how I have LOST my original CP recipe...can not find it any where...It was Olive oil, coconut oil, PKO, Palm and castor....It was a great bar....So I am trying to make a new recipe..

I just got some Babassu from the COOP and not real sure how to use it. Does it replace the castor??

If so this is the recipe I am hoping will be a great hard bar..yet lathering and bubbly..but also moisturizing...

Babassu 5%

Coconut 20%

Olive 40%

Palm 20%

PKO 10%

Shea 5%

Any suggestions?? Thanks!

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That recipe looks groovy to me. I say give 'er a whirl! You getting decent numbers on sooz when you plug it in?

Bummer about losing your recipes. I have nightmares about losing mine. LOL After you work so hard on the boogers, hate to lose 'em!

ETA: P.S. Where do I sign up to test a bar? :laugh2:

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I did change the coconut to 15% and the PKO to 15%

Im going to make it later this afternoon.

here are what my numbers look like...Im not real sure how good they are Im just comparing them to another recipe..

hardness 45

cleansing 23

condition 50

bubbly lather 23

creamy lather 22

Iodine 52

INS 156

what do you think of those?

I know my recipe is here in my "organized mess" I just havent "found it" YET...lol

that would be great if you wanted to test a bar in a few weeks.

ETA: creamy lather

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