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RBO vs Olive


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Wonder what RBO can bring to soap? i have never used it. But I do have some from the COOP.

So when I use the recipe I posted earlier...heres my numbers...

using Olive oil

hardness 44

cleansing 23

condition 51

bubbly lather 27

creamy lather 26

iodine 52

INS 155

same recipe but with RBO instead of olive

hardness 48

cleansing 23

condition 46

bubbly lather 28

creamy lather 29

iodine 62

INS 142

where should my numbers be?

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Kris, both of those look fine to me. I like the conditioning around 50%. The RBO is a bit softer than olive. I've been using it instead for two years now and never looked backed. When buying in bulk from places like www.riceland.com, the price is much better than olive for me. The overall iodone is the number to watch and 50's/60's to low 70's are fine.

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I use both in my soaps (oo/rbo) and really like the combo. One thing you can do is to make a batch of both (like the recipes you posted above) and see what you think. I ended up using a blend of both because that was what I liked most.

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