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I'm just trying to help, so please don't take it personally or think I'm trying to bash your website. I'm not.

First of all, I would consider re-phrasing some of your information because you promote the fact that you make custom items, then you turn around and tell people they can't get custom items. :confused: You identify a lot of items for sale, then you say you are not selling them right now. Do you have a schedule for when the items will be available? Maybe I don't understand how it works, but if I don't, then there could be others wondering some of the same things. I know it can be hard to word things perfectly, because you know your products so well and know exactly what you mean, that it may be difficult to imagine that someone else wouldn't understand it. Believe me, I know how it is!

Now, back to your name...when I hear "nature's necessities," I'm thinking of camping supplies. For the products you are offering, and they type of people you would like to cater to, I think you would be much better off switching to the word "pioneer", or "prairie."

Pioneer Necessities

Prairie Days Supplies

Pioneer Essentials

Pioneer Candle and Clothing Company

Pioneer Craft and Candle Supply

Prairie Bath and Taylor

Pioneer Natural Candle & Clothing

Prairie Bonnet, Candle & Bath

See what I'm getting at? The name will give a much more descriptive idea of the products you offer. If someone is doing a search for a bonnet, they propably aren't going to type in "nature" or "necessities."

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If you are planning to set up a .com website I would always make sure that the domain name is still available, before choosing a name. Even if you don't know, you may want to do it later and it is a pain, if your name is chosen already.

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Now, back to your name...when I hear "nature's necessities," I'm thinking of camping supplies.

That was exactly my first thought. I would consider "Natural Necessities" instead of "Nature's"... IMO- it is a better description and doesn't make me think of smores!

I wanted to add that it is your business name. If it is something that you love that is personal to you than take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Good luck!!

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As for the items availability, they will be available when I sell out all of my hand-dipped and hand-rolled candles. As for the name, not to offend you, but you're the only person, when looking at my biz name, who thinks of the words "camping supplies". But thank you for being honest.

I'm not offended. I just felt obliged to say something because no one else would tell the emperor was not wearing any clothes.

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I think you should concentrate on one item and perfect it before attempting to take on too much. It takes a lot of time and effort to perfect a candle and I just think that you may be putting the cart before the horse. :undecided

I am going to first perfect my hand-dipped and hand-rolled candles, but I am just looking to see what you think of some ideas for candles that I will possibly make when I perfect my other candles first. So, what do you think?

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I am going to first perfect my hand-dipped and hand-rolled candles, but I am just looking to see what you think of some ideas for candles that I will possibly make when I perfect my other candles first. So, what do you think?

The sky is the limit on what you can make next. You could do container candles, pillars, votives, tarts(but don't call them that the name tarts is trademarked) you could bath and body products. It isn't going to matter what anyone suggests this is a decision that you are going to have to make. On the left hand side is basic instructions, techniques and Ideas and also bath and body. Browse through there and read, if something strikes your interest follow up by searching the internet for more information. Mostly what you make after you perfect your other candles is going to depend on how much funding you have available to use. Some items are more costly then others.

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Just curious as to why you would force your customers to buy the hand roll stuff before they can purchase something else? If they don't like that kind of stuff, why not offer them more to purchase? I think it would be a turn off to your customers..

That would be like me saying to my customers. I have all these items available but until I sell out of my votives, you can't buy anything else. My customers would go elsewhere.

Just my opinion


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I am going to first perfect my hand-dipped and hand-rolled candles, but I am just looking to see what you think of some ideas for candles that I will possibly make when I perfect my other candles first. So, what do you think?

Maybe you should spend some time browsing through magazines or read some craft books or do some research on the internet so you can be inspired. I think you will take much more pride and feel a greater sense of accomplishment in something you develop on your own rather than getting all of your ideas from other people.

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Maybe you should spend some time browsing through magazines or read some craft books or do some research on the internet so you can be inspired. I think you will take much more pride and feel a greater sense of accomplishment in something you develop on your own rather than getting all of your ideas from other people.

In a way, isn't that the same? It's like, if I look in a book, magazine, on the internet, or get ideas from you guys, I just build onto all of the ideas. So, in a way, it's pretty much the same. Isn't it? And I am still accomplishing something by getting ideas, and building onto them.

Like let's say I get an idea from someone on this thread to make some hand-dipped taper candles. I could add on to the idea by giving each candle a personal touch. Like embossing the candles with a certain word or phrase that has to do with a holiday or something, or the name of the candle.

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I have a question........ forgive me if it's been asked and answered already. But if your trying to earn money by selling candles to buy a sewing machine, how are you buying supplies to make candles??? I mean, my supplies cost me a lot of $$$ I could of bought several sewing machines with what I spent to get started. So how can you buy supplies??? If your parents are paying for your supplies to make candles, why didn't they just buy your sewing machine instead??? Just don't make a lot of sense to me.......... :tiptoe: :lipsrseal

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I have a question........ forgive me if it's been asked and answered already. But if your trying to earn money by selling candles to buy a sewing machine, how are you buying supplies to make candles??? I mean, my supplies cost me a lot of $$$ I could of bought several sewing machines with what I spent to get started. So how can you buy supplies??? If your parents are paying for your supplies to make candles, why didn't they just buy your sewing machine instead??? Just don't make a lot of sense to me.......... :tiptoe: :lipsrseal

I had some start-up money, but as of now, I haven't really but very much supplies. I bought about 3 pounds of beeswax (about $4 a pound), about 3 yards of wick (about $3), some beeswax sheets ($.30 per sheet, and that's about it. So if you think about it, it would be less than $20. Candlemaking supplies is ALOT cheaper where I live, than in other areas. I live in West-Central Minnesota near North Dakota, so it's far cheaper than if you bought supplies in Minneapolis/St. Paul, or other areas. And I only had about $30 that I could use for the start-up costs, and I only have about $10 left. (I have about $100 in the bank, but I'm saving it up for something important.).

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I just started a business that sells custom homemade items. I thought that I should name my business "Nature's Necessities". Please tell me what you think or if you have any other ideas of a good business name. Choosing a good business name is a lot harder than I thought!

You need to start at www.godaddy.com. That name is already taken. It takes a good while to find one that is available.


NATURESNECESSITIES.COM is already taken. (click here for info)

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