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Help! Hunter's Soaps


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Ok guys here is the 411. My BF likes to hunt...I suspect because he likes to wear safety orange....lol He is asking me to make a soap that will take away Human smell. Is their such a thing?

Also, he is asking for a soap that will be used to attract critters. The scents he mentioned were Oak, apple, rotton leaves, fresh earth.

Anyone have experience with this sort of soap?


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Any attempt at taking away all human scent without using massive chemicals is just nuts. And as soon as they sweat or anything, the human smell is back. Many hunters instead use star anise eo scented products, as it disguises and masks the human scent. Use it at 2-3% in your soap, not at the normal 1 oz ppo or it'll be nasty!

And about the attractant soap, sounds like a compost pile! LOL!

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Sounds nasty but I made some M&P for hubby , He wanted the Doe Urine smell on his things :( YUCK right . But I poured a little bit of the Urine in soap when it was melting and it turned out great . Also , made some Corn Cob Sachets dipped in Urine Doe and he hung them from the trees and that year he got 4 :)) So it does work , just a little on the nasty side .

Also , Cedar Scent is great for the Soaps they sell that scent everywhere .

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Ok guys here is the 411. My BF likes to hunt...I suspect because he likes to wear safety orange....lol He is asking me to make a soap that will take away Human smell. Is their such a thing?

Also, he is asking for a soap that will be used to attract critters. The scents he mentioned were Oak, apple, rotton leaves, fresh earth.

Anyone have experience with this sort of soap?


Oh hell.. please tell me you will not be experimenting with any of these scents next weekend. Especially the skunk, rotten leaves and fresh earth. That will be enough to gag a maggot. If he wants to attract bugs, tell him to rub honey or chocolate syrup on himself and have at it. (this is hunting we are talking about)

Eeee gads. I think it's a wonderful marketing item to have this type of soap where you live. As long as you store it outside. :shocked2:

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I have a recipe at my shop that uses herbs and natural botanicals that supposedly the American Indians used to mask the human scent while hunting. If you want, I will pm it to you but you will have to wait until I get to my shop either today or tomorrow since that is where it is. It's a recipe I have been wanting to try since hunting is huge here. Also, S4C carries a scent called Bucklore that is supposed to smell like deer urine. You could make a body spray with that - places like Cabellas sell products like this for hunters.

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S4C = Supplies4candles.com

Meridith...that would be great! Thank You!

Mystical...oh no girlie...We will not have time next weekend to do Ricks soap..I think we will be busy enough with the 370 Air Fresheners and the 26 pounds of Mica!!!

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We are hunters....well hubbie is mostly. I just go to get out of the house. We always use unsented soaps and shampoos. But I had a thought. What about Mary Jane...not only will he be happy he will have a bad case of the munchies...LOL

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Got a husband that hunts... would think that anything that smells earthy would be good. I suggested that we try something like that or apple but he thinks the deer are smart enough to know that an unusal scent or an apple smell from an area that does not have apple trees is a signal to avoid the area. He prefers to use something unscented and use a spray to mask the human smell plus clothes that mask the smell as well. He theory is to be invisable. As far as wearing the deer urine.. might not be wise to smell like a doe in heat walking back from the deer stand at night and meet a monster buck with love on the brain. Good way to get hurt. Deer may be cute but they are also dangerous.

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You have to use something to not only mask the human scent, but neutralize it. I would think that an earthy smell wouldn't quite do that. I But that's just my guess. The recipe I have uses herbs and stuff that help mask and neutralize the human scent. These herbs are supposedly the same herbs that the Indians used when hunting. I've never soaped this recipe or tested anything like it.

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  • 2 months later...

I know this is an old post but I was wondering if any of you made any of this and how it worked. I ordered some anise to make my son some fishermans soap and was hoping it would also work well for hubby and his brothers during deer season.

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I've never made the hunters soap from the recipe I have. It has some really unusual ingredients that are hard to find. I did find them all once and had the places bookmarked. I lost them when I got a new computer. I haven't had time since then to go looking again. Also, I think the recipe I have will take some time since you have to get certain types of tree barks and boil them down. Too time consuming for me right now but I do want to try this some day.

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I've never made the hunters soap from the recipe I have. It has some really unusual ingredients that are hard to find. I did find them all once and had the places bookmarked. I lost them when I got a new computer. I haven't had time since then to go looking again. Also, I think the recipe I have will take some time since you have to get certain types of tree barks and boil them down. Too time consuming for me right now but I do want to try this some day.

sounds way to complicated for my brain :) Ill stick with the anise. My son can test it on fishing and When the deer are moving in the fall I can test it on my photography hikes and see how the deer react before hubby uses it in hunting season. I can see it working on fish but for deer I'm thinking no, they are just too smart and I would think anise being something they don't always smell in the woods would still make them bolt the other way when they catch the scent

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I'm not sure if the recipe I have works or not too. It's sound like a cool recipe though and would be fun to make. I just have to get all the stuff together someday and try it. Whether it works or not, I think it would smell really nice.

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As far as wearing the deer urine.. might not be wise to smell like a doe in heat walking back from the deer stand at night and meet a monster buck with love on the brain. Good way to get hurt. Deer may be cute but they are also dangerous.

yeah don't go there..hubby was almost nose to nose with a buck..he was scared to death..and he just had the dirt scent coverup on..I think there is actually a warning on the package of the urine stuff that says not to apply to the person..he buys the laundry dirt scent, dryer sheets, and spray for hunting..also a body wash stuff that smells like dirt. ..yuck gag ewww..I don't like it but it works...that freakin stuff is expensive though. :mad: Dirt scented laundry soap is $15 for like 32oz

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