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beeswax tarts

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Hello All,

Can anyone tell me if you can make tarts out of just beeswax?i did a search but couldnt find any posts,,,i thought i read on here a bit ago that someone does make beeswax tarts.It may have been on the swap rewiews,but i dont remember for sure.thanks to anyone and all who can help with this question!


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Sure you can!! You don't say if you are going to add FO or what type of mold you are using, but if you are using the metal tart molds you may want to spray them slightly with a silicone mold release or pam (then wipe off) so they don't stick. If you do scent them, try one without spraying them, as the FO may be enough to prevent sticking. Have fun!!! :cool2:

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Yes i want to add fragrance,and i would probably use the metal tart molds.Do the fragrances blend ok with the natural honey scent of the beeswax?or is it just trial and error like anything else. Thanks Again


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The stronger the fragrance the better of course. I make all of my tarts from beeswax. They work very well for me and everyone else that tried them. I've tried paraffin wax but it seems that BW holds more fragrance and for a longer time. If you're concerned about the honey scent interfering with your FO, just buy the bleached BW.


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Like Hibiscus said use the white (bleached) beeswax if it's a lighter scent you want to use, or trial and error with the regular. I don't make as many tarts as I do tapers and have no problems scenting over the natural scent of the wax. I also have no problem with the beeswax tarts working well in my warmers. My best selling beeswax tarts are those that I add a touch of some Beeswax & Honey FO from Sweetcakes!! :cool2:

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