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Avocado Oil


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I'm tempted to start using this as part of my base recipe rather than superfatting. It has a high number of unsaponifables and I can get it for a reasonable cost (turns out much cheaper per ounce than olive, and is also cheaper than the shea and cocoa I use, so it wouldn't be unordinarily expensive). Has anyone noticed a good enough difference in soap to validate having it at, say, 5%? Some of the first bars I made had a high % of avocado and they turned out nice and pretty hard. Not sure now if that was because of the avocado loaning benefits or not, however. Has a hardness of 22, iodine of 86, conditioning value of 70, and is decent on creamy lather. From just that, seems to be a pretty promising additive. Would rather have personal experience and cautions/ recommendations over cold hard numbers though. Thanks!

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I now add anywhere from 5-20% AO depending on the recipe. I've noticed a difference in the feel of the bar - creamier, smoother, slightly more luxurious IMHO. I'd say make a test batch with it at diff. %'s and see how you like it compared to a bar that has none.


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I love using avocado oil in soap. My only drawback is that when used in higher amounts you can't get a nice white soap. So you need to think ahead as to whether you leave it uncoloured or not.


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