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Listing Ingredients....

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Okay...I made a post on earlier on Lush's butter cream that asked what it is...

The website gives ingredients, but their product does not. WHY? HOW? WHO? What when..etc etc...

Can they not list it because its a soap product?

I purchased a Lemslip from ebay. Its a 3oz size I would guess, but the only thing it refers to Irish Moss Seaweed.

Any insight?

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Soap that makes no cosmetic claims is the only thing exempt from an ingredients listing on the label, to my knowledge. This is for the U.S. Don't know if that answers your question, but hope it helps.

I go ahead and put my soap ingredients on the labels anyway, in case someone has allergies or skin reactions. I've only had one customer report that a soap of mine made his skin a bit red and itchy -- turns out his skin does not like lemongrass eo, which is a known irritant for some folks. Most can use it without problems, but there are a few folks sensitive to some eo's and fo's.

Edited to add: I always put on my labels that customers should discontinue use if skin irritation occurs. Duh. (LOL!)

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I was doing an interview recently on the radio for my business - they had women on all week that own their own and run businesses. I noticed on the DJ's desk a bottle of lotion from one of the previous guests. This wasn't a hand made lotion as this women is a distributor for this company. There were no ingredients listed on the bottle at all. I was not impressed with that at all and couldn't believe that no ingredients were listed - especially since this isn't a home based business like mine. Not that a home based business doesn't need ingredients but a home based business might be more likely to not be aware of the labeling laws (although they should) - you would think a business like that would be aware though.

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I was always suspicious of the ingredient lists of home based businesses (till I met you-all of course). I mean, do they really have extract of EVERYTHING in those lotions or do they just plop the premade stuff into the bottle and slap a label on it? Are the ingredients TRULY organic? And it scares me to see some of this stuff which claims to be "all natural" with only a few ingredients hold up so darned well in the heat.... Hmmm.

Suspicious mind.

But I guess I should be suspicious of the bigger companies as well! Maybe moreso!

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Here's what the tag says on this



Deep cleansing lemon perfectly matched with coconut oil and Irish Moss seaweed; condition for oler skin. Freeze it, chill it or use at bathroom temp. Smooth over your body then rinse off.

that's it....I mean its not just soap. So, it shower gel considered a soap, so it doesn't require ingredients labeled?

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It's interesting to read the FDA labeling requirements, specifically for where/how/what needs labeling. On the one hand they can be very specific about what information must be given and where on the label it has to be placed, but then they allow some items to have ingredients listed only on outer packaging, instead of on the product itself. This can create some confusion, I think.

I've found many items in my bathroom cabinet that don't conform to the FDA labeling requirements. My guess is the gov't has only so many agents/inspectors to work on these things, so companies cut corners and get by with it...for a while.

IOW, following the big guys may not be the best example of how to label correctly.

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The trouble there, Mag, is they keep changing the rules. LOL Some rulings say you have to use these particular INCI names ... others say you have to use *these* names ... etc. Trust me; even lawmakers can't keep up with all this stuff. There are reams and reams of paperwork for every stinkin' law. LOL

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