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how to use soap shavings


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I added them to a batch last night and wish I had a camera, it is beautiful, thanks for the suggestions, but because of all the different ingredients wouldnt my list be aweful long if I was selling and put a label on it? I do have to make sure to list every ingredient when I start to sell right? and because the shaving were a mix of 3 different soap, I would have to add everything , that sure would make a long label, LOL, good thing Im not selling yet.

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My favorite thing to do is toss about 3 lbs worth in the crockpot along with some goatsmilk or coconut milk and melt them down till they are smooth, add some FO, then toss 'em in the Kelsei mold.

Mmmmm, good stuff!

Yeah but that isn't the effect I would be going for lol!

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I added them to a batch last night and wish I had a camera, it is beautiful, thanks for the suggestions, but because of all the different ingredients wouldnt my list be aweful long if I was selling and put a label on it? I do have to make sure to list every ingredient when I start to sell right? and because the shaving were a mix of 3 different soap, I would have to add everything , that sure would make a long label, LOL, good thing Im not selling yet.

Because it's soap, as long as you don't make any claims on it other than it will get you clean you don't have to list the ingredients. :)

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I always list every ingredient in all my soaps......you never know when someone will be allergic to something in them. I sure don't want a customer bad mouthing me because they got a rash from one of my products!! :shocked2:

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When you do it, it probably is kool looking, but I've yet to rebatch lol. However there was a soap I saw once upon a time on Olivia's (the Whisk) site that was just really kickin' cool (though all of her soaps are just that) and I wanted to attempt it. It was like shreds on the bottom and solid top. However, I got sick of shredding with a veggie peeler so I'm chopping. Goes much faster.

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When you do it, it probably is kool looking, but I've yet to rebatch lol. However there was a soap I saw once upon a time on Olivia's (the Whisk) site that was just really kickin' cool (though all of her soaps are just that) and I wanted to attempt it. It was like shreds on the bottom and solid top. However, I got sick of shredding with a veggie peeler so I'm chopping. Goes much faster.

I use a cheese grater.

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I poured some of the shavings on them after I poured them into the plastic molds but my fiance said that is ugly for them to be on the bottom like that so next time if I ever buy one I will mix them in and then add them to the top of the log mold maybe they will look better, I gotta get a camera too, and by the way I used a cheese grater too and it does take a long time. I tried a rebatch and it came out horrible, it still is not hard, from a month ago.

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Julia, Julia, Julia lol! You always have such beautiful soaps. I should check ebay for one of those salad shooters too. Now I remember that was on my list of things to get and then I got distracted.

We really need a blushing smiley here

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