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Please can someone help -Can something else be sub for TRO turkey red oil


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I have succesfully used a 50-50 split between SAO and Polysorbate 80 in place of TRO in bubbling bath melts. I can't stand the smell of TRO. No matter how much FO or what scent I use, I can always smell the motor oil scent of TRO. So I tried using SAO and Poly 80 and it has worked just fine for me.


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You can use any oil in bath bombs. I personally avoid SAO cause my son is allergic to nuts, but I use sunflower oil instead (it's nice and light and doesn't really leave a ring). I've tried regular castor oil and it's waaaay to sticky for my taste, and left quite a ring on the tub. I've tried cocoa butter but it hardened up so fast it was difficult to work with.

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I totally agree with Ann.. Instead of TRO, use a 50/50 blend of poly 80 and Sweet Almond or any other oil. The Poly will emulsify the oil so it won't be floating on the top or cause nasty ring around the tub while still leaving your skin soft.

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I totally agree with Ann.. Instead of TRO, use a 50/50 blend of poly 80 and Sweet Almond or any other oil. The Poly will emulsify the oil so it won't be floating on the top or cause nasty ring around the tub while still leaving your skin soft.

OOOOOH, so that's what the poly is for!

gotta get me some of THAT too!

this is great fun for someone with an addictive personality (but I can quit ANY time I want!!!)

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