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Good Stick Blenders?

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Is there such a thing?

I've only made 4 batches of soap and have gone thru 2 stick blenders already!

After about 10 to 15 mins of use, they get soooo hot, they blow... along with the fuse that operates all the outlets in my kitchen.

Can someone recommend a good brand that will last?

I can't remember the 2 brands I had, as they are both at the dump now. I "think" one was a Hamilton Beach???

Any suggestions? What brand do you use and how long has it lasted you?


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I just go to the goodwill and get mine for like 3-5.00

I never stick blend that long. I just pulse mine and stir with it too. But usually as soon as my scents go in I have trace pretty quick!!


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Yup, most stickblenders aren't meant to be used for longer than 5 minutes at a time. I only use mine to get to a light trace, usually about 30 seconds to 2 minutes depending on the recipe. If I need to blend again, I wait about 2 minutes. 9 times out of 10 it's thick enough.

I've got everything from a kitchen aid stick blender down to a 9 dollar Wal Mart stickblender. But the thing to look for is if the blender part comes off. When you get one that the bottom part comes off it makes washing it much easier.

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Oh ok....

I guess I should mention that I use the Hot Process Crock Pot method. I was following directions which says to blend until thick trace.

I'll have to try it differently next time.

Even doing this process, you want to use in and then rest it. Takes longer, I know, but soon enough you will have enough knowledge to fix your recipe so it traces faster and you wont need to use it so much.

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I have a Braun, my grandmother gave it to me as a gift years ago. I had a stash of 3 stick blenders and burnt out everyone, in the middle of a batch I pulled this one out, of course I never used it for food LOL and it has been going strong for over a year.

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Those stick blenders do get very hot and I burned mine out doing body cream/whipped shea and other stuff. Since I began making soap I use a regular hand mixer and haven't had any problems and my soap traced very fast as well. No bubles, air or whatever. And my hand mixer's low setting is high (to me)and then there are 5 other speeds.I don't think I will be buying a stck blender because it's frustrating when you want to just do what needs to be done nonstop and go make something else..lol I do hand stir in between mixing.

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I've had my SB since DS was a baby. When he went on formula I could never get all the lumps out. I'd make a mix of formula with 1/2 the water and SB until all the lump were gone. Then I'd add the rest of the water and he'd have enough formula made for all day.

I used it once or twice after that to make alfredo sauce...LOL

I started using it to soap with 13 months ago and it is still going strong. It is one of those cheapy walmart ones. I think I paid $8, 6 years ago.

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Regina, I do hot proess, too, but I find that if I let the chemical reaction do some of the work for me, I don't need to stick blend all that much. I blend a minute or two initially to emulsify the lye water and oils and then just let the mixture rest for about five minutes. I repeat this two or three times, and I usually have trace. I also have a large Pampered Chef heatproof spatula that I use to stir and scrape down the sides of the pot; that cuts down on the SB use, too. Mine is the $9 Sunbeam from WalMart and I have been using it for close to 2 years.

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After about 10 to 15 mins of use, they get soooo hot, they blow... along with the fuse that operates all the outlets in my kitchen.
I only need to blend for about 6 minutes when I make cphp.

I had bought a stick blender at Target and didn't read the package instructions and found out that you are only suppose to run it for 5 minutes at a time and let it cool. I didn't realize till the machine smelled like it was burning.

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