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Sand Cast Candles

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step one...make the sand a bit damp...not so damp you can squeeze water out of it, but damp enough you can mold it.

step two...make your indentation in the sand, put a small square of tin foil at the bottom of that indentation where you're going to put your wick

step three...wick it, I usually use a bamboo skewer taped to hold togetherand a wick tab at the end of the wick...like with votives...

step four...heat your wax, you can dye it but do not scent it, you will need to heat the wax to 250 degree's, that will get the sand to adhere to the outside of your candle

step five...pour the wax, you will hear it sizzle...yes you have to heat it that high, that's why you cannot scent it...the fo will burn off...or ignite...or do something you dont want like blow up...

when the candle is cool, take it out of the sand and brush it off with a soft paint brush

I use my heat gun on the outside of the candle to heat up the sand and seal the candle so the sand doesnt come off....you will be able to see where it is sealed, the candle will be darker where it is sealed from the heat.

you wont be able to heat your wax that high with a double boiler, you will ned direct heat and you will need to pay close attention, very close attention...so you dont catch fire...keep your extinguisher and baking soda handy...not trying to scare you here..that's just normal precaution...

I think that's it...there may be more...but I think that's the basic's...

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Good tips.....just be very careful when heating to high temperatures. I had a pitcher get a pin hole so I only use a new pitcher for my sand candles. I always put a jar lid in the bottom for safety and it keeps the wax where I want it. I also heat gun the outside of mine..... Donita

here is one style that I do: http://donitahoyer.com/TIDEPOOLCANDLES.htm

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I love looking at your Tidepool sand candles. Always so impressed with your artistic endeavors.

Ginger, I heat my wax for sand candles in a Presto Pot. It just seems safer IMHO. It's just too easy to get distracted for a second and no way do you want to leave a pot on the burner for even a second when heating wax to that high a temp. Be sure to post a picture of your creations.

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I always put a jar lid in the bottom for safety and it keeps the wax where I want it. I also heat gun the outside of mine..... Donita

here is one style that I do: http://donitahoyer.com/TIDEPOOLCANDLES.htm

I love the titlepool candles you make, they're so soothing looking. But what did you mean you put a jar lid in? Is that to stick the wick to? TIA

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The jar lid is also a safety measure. When the candle melts down to the bottom it won't burn through.....when you pour in the hot wax it makes a mess....the jar lid gives it a place to land or it will go too far down in the sand. This technique will be addressed when I post the tutorial slide shows on my website. I will give instructions for the tidepool candle. The same basic principles apply to any sand candle. Wish I lived by a beach so I could use real beach sand. Donita

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