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Paraffin/Soy Air Quality Testing Results from EPA


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When people claim things in advertising, it doesn't necessarily make it true. If that were the case, we would all be able to take one pill to make us slim, another pill to increase our bust size, another one to decrease our arse and guys would be hung like horses :) No one is suing them because most people acknowledge it just isn't true. They sell to some people who believe them, obviously or they still wouldn't be in business.

To me the soy claims that down paraffin are no different. They try to prey on people by instilling fear. There is more dangerous carcinogens in the air from your heater and your car, don't see people giving those up so easy.

There are tons of websites claiming that aspartame is terrible, yet most diet sodas contain it and hoardes of people drink it. Where are all the lawsuits? Seems to me that if it really did cause all that is claimed, there would be viable lawsuits.

In the same instance that you are asking why don't people sue soy makers over these claims, well where are all the people filing lawsuits for lung cancer for burning a candle? Sure some people have proved that poorly made candles have sooted up their homes, but those people who made those candles deserved to be sued, it they made a candle that did not burn correctly and soot damaged these peoples' homes, the candlemaker should be liable (provided the user can prove it was burned correctly as well).

The bottom line is that outrageous claims are made everyday. Do you have the money to go sue soymakers for their claims? I don't see many who would volunteer to do that and neither are any large candlemakers going to waste their money to do it either. It is a sad fact of marketing.

You don't have to sue or spend money to complain. Many people selling soy candles are violating Federal truth-in-advertising laws. http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/buspubs/ad-faqs.htm

All you have to do it fill out the complaint form. https://rn.ftc.gov/pls/dod/wsolcq$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01

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