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Never tried homemade soap before!


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I have been reading the soap posts for months now and accumulating info for when I some day give it a try myself! I have been veiwing the gallery and am so amazed that SOAP can look like the beautiful creations you all have made! Problem is, I have NEVER tried homemade soap myself!! I have never even seen any in person!!!

I have noticed that alot of you cut off the ends! I dont know what you do with those but if any of you would like a unbiased opinion from someone who has never tried any, I would love to test them for you!! Seriously!

I normally am a shower gel type of gal because I cant find a bar soap that I actually like. I used to use Caress but went to the gel version and am noticing that it is drying out my skin so I will be searching for some new soaps!

I made my own shower gel for the wedding renewal and the only thing I can say is that it smelled great and left me squeaky clean but not moisterized. I tried BCN's bath and body gel and will be searching for other bases from other companies for a moisterizing one!

You can PM me or email me at ofci@ofci.biz

God Bless,


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Well since I've started using handmade soap, I can't go back to commercial syndet bars. I forgot to bring my soap on a trip once, had to use a cheap syndet bar at the motel ... YIKES!! I quickly remembered why I don't use them anymore! Next time if I forget to bring soap, I will have to go without bathing before I will touch a commercial bar!! :laugh2:

Or I'll find a local handcrafted soaper to buy from! :D

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I was like you, had never even seen a bar of handmade soap before. I had read up on it, and was awed at the pics in the gallery. I posted, offering to buy a bar to see for myself. Someone was gracious enough to send me two bars to try. Well that did it. I will never go back to store bought soap again.

I offered to pay this person for the soaps or at least the postage, but she wouldn't see to it. She told me to help someone out. I thank her every time I make soap.

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Last week I gave two different people some of my soap - They looked at me like I was from Mars, they had never heard of or seen homemade soap. It was so weird.

LOL - I have a couple customers who only bought tarts or candles and kept telling me that they weren't into bar soap. After I gave them samples they came back screaming for more!

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A customer came up to my booth, asked what I was selling, and I told him handmade soap. His comment? "So, can you use it just like REGULAR soap?" :laugh2:

Naw, this is strictly IRREGULAR stuff. :D

ROFL! Being so immersed in soapmaking I forget that some people don't understand what handmade soap is about.

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Hey Lynn!

I know you're away for the weekend, but I gotta tell ya if I can make this you can too!! And when I make it again I'll send you some and you can test it. I doubt I send you end pieces lol!

Now see I never would have ventured to bubbly side had it not been for some kind of dare and constant edging from Shutterbugg and coaxing from Sherie and Kaybee.

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There is a ban on store bought soap in my house. I do let my son buy his shower gel, but only because I haven't found a base I like yet. I had my mom completely converted over to homemade soap before she passed away, and now my sister and the 3 men I work with are fully converted as well. It's just a matter of time before we take on the entire world. Muwhahahaha...

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There is a ban on store bought soap in my house. I do let my son buy his shower gel, but only because I haven't found a base I like yet. I had my mom completely converted over to homemade soap before she passed away, and now my sister and the 3 men I work with are fully converted as well. It's just a matter of time before we take on the entire world. Muwhahahaha...

What what what?? You haven't tried making liquid soap yet girl??

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I agree with the others. I will NEVER buy anothe bar of soap again. I am totally addicted to homemade (can't even stand the MP). My dh as well as numerous other family members love it. I will occasionally use shower gel (like if i am going on a trip), but I love the way the homemade soap makes my skin feel.

It is totally addicting!


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cut my ends into neat little bars of soap, about the size of those hotel soaps or slightly larger/thicker. I have dicided to use them as samples as well as guest soap. I also test my soap using these mini bars:D

I do this as well, these smaller ones are my testers

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Not only will I never use another commercial bar of soap, but I don't have to. I have soap coming out the wazoo!!!


I always take one bar from my batches to cut up and use as a tester. I also give them away as freebie samples. I tell you, that sells more soap - once folks see how nice a bar of hand made soap is, they come back looking to buy more. I've converted many a good person. :D

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It's been over three years since I've used commercial soap. The bar in my shower right now is from Ange in France. It's always either mine or another soapers.

There is nothing more special than helping someone learn how to make soap and being gifted with their efforts. CarolGrant got one of mine today. She has never made or tried handmade soap. I have some of MaryinCary's to try next and I still have one of QuietGirls to try.

I've been very fortunate in being able to swap a lot of soaps with you guys. I absolutely love that. In fact, I think I gonna go post another single bar swap right now, LMAO!

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E - I ran home and washed my hands. The soap was so yummy I am just dying to get it into the shower.

Even my 4 year old is thrilled with it.

THANK YOU SO MUCH. I can see this will definately be my next addiction!

So if you end up as my secret buddy.... ;)

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I have never tried homemade soap either but would like to find a moisturizing type for aging....oh, did I say that...dry skin. I have thyroid problems which causes dry skin and then I'm going through the aging process which causes my arms to look like elephant hide. Any suggestions which soap would benefit me? Also a good lotion? Ginger

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Ginger, cannot help you on the soap, but for my arms and legs (aging, eczema, dry skin) there ain't nothing better than just plain ol' agbanga shea at night. And I love my whipped mango & shea body butter. I'd send it but it won't hold up. I got the recipe off this board.

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I have a partial bar of commercial soap left over from a year ago when I started soaping. I don't use it but can't throw away a soap...LOL

Right now, the soap in my shower is a castille from Mysticglow that I got in a swap. I love this bar of soap and it made me finally try my own castille.

I made the castille a week ago and it is already very hard. It is harder than most of my other soaps that are much older.

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