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Cooling in the Fridge?


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Made another batch of Pink Sugar today using Pink & White Gel tones and letting it cool in the fridge...my question is how long should I keep it in there? Just til it's hardened some? BTW with the pink gel tone and the Pink Sugar it change colors to orange. Not sure if it will eventually become another color but it's better than my last batch that looked like fudge brownies

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ReallY? Wow I love this place.

I have a batch of CP insulated right now and was going to make a matching batch of HP to see which I liked better. Now I'm thinking I should do more CP and reftigerate it!

How long does it take to "finish" in the chiller rather than insulated do you think? Relatively speaking, of course.

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I am actually putting this batch in the fridge to see if it helps my fo from turning so dark. But I have heard that putting them in the fridge helps with lather as well so we will see. So how long should I leave in there?

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I've never placed my soap in the fridge so I don't know for sure. When making a GM soap, I just don't insulate it and soap as cool as I can. It is the pits when my soap ends up getting a partial gel and while its O.K. for use, it just looks funny. I know this method is also used with soaps that contain ingredients that will heat up quickly like honey.

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I read your post wrong. I thought you said you did put them in the fridge. I don't insulate my gm soaps either but this is the first time I have put a batch in the fridge. Looking much better than my last pink sugar batch but it's orange and yellow swirled not pink and white which I didn't think it would stay pink and white but was not wanting orange and yellow either:( Oh well.

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Putting your soap in the fridge will not prevent it from turning colors and will not help with the lather. Don't know where those myths came from, but they are not true. If you used Pink Sugar FO, be prepared for your soap to turn brown from the vanilla in the FO. I haven't heard of anyone's pink sugar not turning.....just the nature of the beast!! :cool2: You can always layer it.......take out some at light trace before you add the PS, add color or leave it white.

I put most of my CP's in the fridge to cool, as I soap with 100% fresh goat's milk and I don't want gel. It doesn't help with the lather though, it should be that easy!! ;) I add 1 TBS sugar per lb. of oils and some babassu oil to all my soaps and that helps with the lather.

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Putting your soap in the fridge will not prevent it from turning colors and will not help with the lather. Don't know where those myths came from, but they are not true. If you used Pink Sugar FO, be prepared for your soap to turn brown from the vanilla in the FO. I haven't heard of anyone's pink sugar not turning.....just the nature of the beast!! :cool2: You can always layer it.......take out some at light trace before you add the PS, add color or leave it white.

I put most of my CP's in the fridge to cool, as I soap with 100% fresh goat's milk and I don't want gel. It doesn't help with the lather though, it should be that easy!! ;) I add 1 TBS sugar per lb. of oils and some babassu oil to all my soaps and that helps with the lather.

Sorry I have to diagree with you on the PS turning brown as I know it can be done. I have some Pink Sugar CP soap that someone sent me. They are quite a few months old and aren't brown at all. They aren't Pink but they aren't brown either but very pretty.

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Well it would be interesting to know who's PS it was that didn't turn...interesting!!

I take mine out of the fridge as soon as it's completely cool.......yours should be ok by now, but it won't hurt it if you leave it overnite!! :cool2:

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Well it would be interesting to know who's PS it was that didn't turn...interesting!!

I take mine out of the fridge as soon as it's completely cool.......yours should be ok by now, but it won't hurt it if you leave it overnite!! :cool2:

Great thanks.. I think I will just leave it until the morning then.

I don't remember who's PS is was off hand but If I remember I will post it.

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