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Joy Tests

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Hi Henry, Nice to see your work.

I was wondering something: In all the time I've 'known' you, you have tested or switched to a lot of waxes.....why? Do you sell your product? Or is this a hobby for you?

I am having serious scent throw issues with the CB 135, I can't seem to get a handle on it, and you never seem to have troubles in this area.

Is the JOY wax predominantly Soy? I read that it was over 90%, have you the blend/balance info?

Sorry for all of the questions, but you sure do make me wonder, and I sure would love to have your success rate.

Thanks, and take care,


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Hi Henry, Nice to see your work.

I was wondering something: In all the time I've 'known' you, you have tested or switched to a lot of waxes.....why? Do you sell your product? Or is this a hobby for you?

I don't think I have really. I first used KY125 for a long time, then went to ECO CBA when I wanted to get rid of the frost and pour hot, then when they changed that (Version 1 to Version 2 to Version 1 again), I wanted something that had adhesion (CBA is formulated to release), so then now I'm looking at either GL 70/30 or Joy. I might have tried other soys or para/soy blends, but I pretty much stuck to one brand at least for a while.

This is as ardent hobby of mine and when I do something I like it done right - thats all. I don't want to deal with lawsuits/insurance, plus I live in an apartment so no, I don't sell. I would never have time.


I am having serious scent throw issues with the CB 135, I can't seem to get a handle on it, and you never seem to have troubles in this area.

I've always said that smell is subjective. DW can't smell things that actually give me headaches. Maybe that is why it seems I don't have trouble! I've maybe poured 10 pounds of CBA 135 and some of that was mixed with CBA so I really can't help you there - perhaps if you posted on NGI's site since they make the wax: http://www.ngiwax.com/Forum/ , perhaps look at this thread http://www.ngiwax.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=14 .

I've had issues with not smelling scents - even being as sensitive as I am. Perhaps its just ones you are using? There is a scent I always thought of as a tester scent for me - its obnoxiously strong. That is Lemon Blossom from Candle Coccon. If you don't get a cold and hot throw with this then there is something else wrong I would think.

Is the JOY wax predominantly Soy? I read that it was over 90%, have you the blend/balance info?

I read that they used to say it was ~98 % soy and 2% paraffin and other botanicals (I read that here on CT). You can look at its MSDS here, but it won't tell you the exact percentages: http://www.naturesgardencandles.com/candlemaking-soap-supplies/viewmsds.cgi?JW-2

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I've had issues with not smelling scents - even being as sensitive as I am. Perhaps its just ones you are using? There is a scent I always thought of as a tester scent for me - its obnoxiously strong. That is Lemon Blossom from Candle Coccon. If you don't get a cold and hot throw with this then there is something else wrong I would think.
Speaking of the subjectivity of smell, this one smells like lemon chicken to me. :) Straight lemon blossons smell great.
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Ya know, I don't think I've ever had lemon chicken...I've heard of it, just haven't had it.

Anyway, I love the lemon scents! Can't get enough of them.

Henry, thanks for that link. I am parusing.

I did repour today with several wick sizes and added FO at a higher temp. I will wait a week to start testing. Hopefully, that higher temp will do the trick.

I would love for one of the LX wicks to be successful.

How is the JoyWax test going? Have you made a decision? I'm very curious. I think that I might give it a try, and I just happen to have the NG Carnation.

How much/many of those red soy dye chips do you use to get that beautiful red?...I can't believe that there is no frosting

You seem to hit on an awful lot of successful trials. Between all of the wicks and the different waxes...I wish I had your gift. I am glad for you, but, man, am I frustrated that I can't get the CB135 to throw at this point.

I went through the CBA 1 & 2 deal as well, and I sure do miss that CBA2!

Always threw great...ugly as hell, but threw great!

Thanks a lot for the info, truly appreciated.


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Oh I'm still burning containers poured with both so I can't say. I really don't think you can go wrong with either - they are both good parasoys IMO and like I said - it may just come down to which is cheaper to ship.

In the 70/30 I changed:

1. The CD10 for an ECO 8.

2. The 51Z for a 60Z.

(I kept the Hemp 1400)

When I redid the wicks I leveled the tops with a heatgun first. The problem now is that when I moved them when the melt pool was liquid (stupid), and a lot of that hangup on the GL candles on the left is actually from that. Again, I know now I should have just left them harden up first. (I moved them because I couldn't stand smelling all of them burning at once in the same room - yes, just like I'm doing in the pics below). The three GL candles are on the left in the pic

In the Joy:

1. In the Joy I stopped burning the CD 10. This worked worked fine. It just leaned to much for me as I prefer more centered melt pools. This wick did not leave the film that the other two wicks are leaving (see the two on the right in the pic).

2. I am getting a little more film than I prefer on the sides, but I'm going to give them one more burn tonight. After that I'm going to replace them with the next size hemp and the next size CD. The 51Z is really nice looking, (just a bit more film than I'd like).

In addition I have got two more uncolored, unscented containers (one of each type of wax) that I put LX24s in the center of pic. Just to see what would happen.

Now, I also have two more containers that I scented with a pumpkin FO, plus another 2 tins I put a lemon FO in, plus two more unscented/uncolored tins. I have not burned these yet because all of these candles are making me a bit dizzy, plus, I am going to have two other people judge them on throw. Plus by waiting, I'm giving them a longer chance to develop wet spots - if they will. So far they have not, but its only been a few days. (Naturally this doesn't apply in the tins).

One thing I've noticed if it matters to you, the 70/30 is a bit more opaque than the Joy - not by much though.

In regards to the red - that is one chip - but it was just in 10 oz. of wax - not a full pound.

Oh and don't think everything works out - if it had I would be switching out wicks!


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I wanted to add that the two unscented uncolored ones WERE poured to a lower level not because I'm cheap :) but because I wanted to see if I would get that flame dancing again, which I did. Now if these were poured up to the top those same flames would be perfectly still.

So, at least in my little tests with these waxes and containers the hemps, cds, and LXs are all flickering, but none do when closer to the top of the container - as expected. The zincs, are the best in this respect. However I did just replace the 51Z with a 60Z in the 70/30 so I'll have to see how a bigger zinc maintains the more steady flame as the 51Z.

Sorry - I know this is getting complicated to follow and I'm being long winded.

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NO, not at all, I'm right with you. How else can I learn.

Do you think that flickering is not necessarily a bad thing? I worry about it because I am afraid that the candle will look unstable. This is one of the things that I noticed outside of the CBA2...every wick, and three other waxes all flicker. So, I decided that it has to be the flame just sucking in the air (?)...'cause why would all of them do it?

I am not partial to CDs myself, and I don't particularly like the HTP burns either. YOU got me on the LX wicks and I love them. So, they are always my first choice.

Do you have to 'cure' this type of wax?

In your opinion, do you think that ppl prefer all natural soy, or do they mind the blend? Or, do they just care about scent and that's as far as it goes for them?

Hope you don't mind me picking your brain.



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Small but significant update:

In the 70/30:

1. ECO 8 is not going to work, I'm going to pull it and put in a 10.

2. 60Z I'm undecided about at the moment.

3. Hemp 1400 is not going to work. I'm not sure what I should replace it with (any suggestions?).

In the Joy:

1. Remember the CD10 is working but had that off center pool. Stopped burning this.

2. 51Z now is tunneling a bit as its further into the jar. I may replace with a 60Z.

3. Hemp 1400 is working but leaving a hangup thicker than I want. I don't know if I should go up a size or not.

Odd thing is that both jars are hot but hangup is still there.

Although things started good for the first few burns, it seems everything is having problems further down into the jar.

So, onto to my 3" testers with no FO or color. With no FO, both waxes, I assume, should be HARDER to burn IMO. I wicked both of these with an LX 24 (one Joy, one 70/30). The 2nd 3-hour burn is just completing and both are looking good. We'll have to see what happens. I am getting some light soot on one side of the Joy wax container but it has the potential for a better melt pool (I can't win it seems!)

Flickering. This is increasing further down into the jar on all the wicks no matter what wax or wicks. At this point - almost mid-level into the jars - I see really no difference with any of the wicks, except the zincs may be doing it a bit a less. Which means, after all this testing, I may just stick with LX wicks!

Other note is the Hemps in both waxes smoke more when blown out, the Eco and the Zinc is about the same on the smoking level.

Fern-Marie, both of these waxes, in judging these along with two other scents in other containers - all have a great cold throw. After a couple days It gets stronger and even richer. (This is my opinion - DW is being crabby right now so I can't ask her her's).

As far as for what people want, my guess is, if you think about it, the first thing people do is smell a candle so I think its scent first, then type of wax. That being said, I know for myself if I purchased a candle, no matter what type of wax, if it didn't burn right, I wouldn't buy one again - no matter how good it smelled - but that's me.

In summary, I'm discouraged as I didn't think wicking these jars would be difficult, but I really shouldn't be surprised working with new waxes and new wicks. I am getting a feel for all of them, and it would be rather funny if I just kept to the LXs! I know the 30 can even wick a 3" of soy/cottonseed blend (formula with reason).

The next couple I'm going to try cotton wicks. Then that will be it.

So, I have a lot of successful trials huh?


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Lol. Dh is grumpy this eve. too...must be something in the water.

The test is really interesting. It is really hard to get away from those LX wicks. I keep trying others, but nothing compares to them. The trick is finding the right one. I don't want to use another, I will if I have to obviously.

I agree totally on the burn characteristics. I would be ashamed to have one tunnel, or hang up. Right now, I just need to get the scent throw issue resolved with this particular wax.

This is a fickle craft, and ppl can be, and should be demanding about what they burn in their homes. I don't know that sometimes I'm not too picky. Is there such a thing?

I have faith that your testing will not cease until you are completely satisfied and it is perfect.

Can't wait to see where you end up.



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Well, I made a decision on what I'm going to use. Because I can get a bit better adhesion (which is a real picky issue for me as you know) and I seem to have solved my sink hole issues I originally had with the 70/30*. I am going to stick right now with the GL 70/30. (*Pouring the 70/30 at 160 solved that for me at least - without heating the jars, and without slow cooling. I can live with pouring at 160 instead of 170!)

Not that I think Joy is not a good wax blend - not at all. In fact, it seems similar, but it does tend to like zinc wicks a bit more than the other wicks I have tried (except for the CDs - that one did good also - maybe the best). And during my little test I've found that NG has some fantastic fall/winter FOs - luckily for me they are within reasonable shipping distance.

I just have other things I want to concentrate on that are going to take effort - like mottles, hurricanes, and other glass containers besides status jars, and I can move on from these container candles if I make a decision now.

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