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Is this mold damaged somehow

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I realized that if I pour wax into my seamless molds (I've only tried one), without adding any FO or oil of any kind - it leaves residue in the mold and the surface of the candle is ruined. I've tried: leaving it in the mold at least 20 hours, refrigerating prior to removing, 2x spray of silicone spray, making sure the mold was really clean prior to pouring.

If anyone has tried paraffin wax without additives in a seamless mold - does this happen to you? Was wondering if it was a sign of some problem with the mold's surface? Mold has only been used under a dozen times.

(I started doing this type of pour after seeing StevePa's mottle in the gallery and that's when I've noticed this.)

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Thanks. The surface (not talking of the mottle) of my candles (without any FO or other oil) coming out do NOT look like this though:

http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27366 . To me, that looks like a nice standard finish (which mine do have if I use some sort of oil). Without an oil, mine come out almost like if I was trying to make a rustic and pulled it out too soon and some of the rustic stayed on the inside of the mold.

I've tried it with and without candle release spray with no difference.

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I've had the same thing happen with no additives in straight paraffin. Most of the time, if I forget additives, I can never get the candle out.

I don't know how they got the candle to come out unless the stearic they added made the wax shrink so the candle would come out.

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Well, at least its not just me then. BTW, I did one with and one without stearic - BOTH left residue. In my instances though, they fall out of the mold - no sticking at all - but they do leave residue and the surface is ruined.

Thanks - misery loves company :)

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Well, at least its not just me then. BTW, I did one with and one without stearic - BOTH left residue. In my instances though, they fall out of the mold - no sticking at all - but they do leave residue and the surface is ruined.

Thanks - misery loves company :)

Want more company?

I don't have a handy dandy solution but I think I know what you're talking about. On a few occasions I've made candles with just about straight wax, no FO or oil. I was using polycarbonate molds but the same thing happened and the finish looked awful.

That candle in the gallery was made with over 5%, maybe 6% stearic. Did you use that much?

I wonder if PAM would make any difference.

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Thats funny, I just had that problem for the first time yesterday. I poured a bunch of votives and every single one had at least one chunk that stuck to the mold. I dont understand why either. Same formula as usual..Guess I'm gonna be doing lots of remelting and repouring today:angry2: .

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I have made tons of unscented candles and they come out shiny... No sticking whatsoever....even my huge star molds. I use a little gloss poly and they are fine. Also, the CBL 141 came out fine. I did two weddings with several size pillars and they were fine. These were done in tin molds, not the aluminum....but you might try the gloss poly and see if that does the trick. Just my take on it. Good luck, Donita

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From recollection by weight, I believe three TBS per pound is about 4 or 5 %. (I'm going to have to start weighing this stuff because I'm seeing its really affecting the mottling).

I did try one with and without stearic - same problem.

I'll try the Pam thing.

Can't remember if gloss poly affects the mottling though - I'll have to look it up - been a while since I used anything but stearic :)

Finally thanks about the water idea - I would have thought it would have muted the finish.

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