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Rebatch WONT rebatch


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Okay I need some guidance here. I made a 3lb batch of the CCC castle soap on Millers site. My recipe is as follows I always do a water discount, 4% superfat, and Oven Process it in the end.

38oz Olive Oil

7 oz Coconut Oil

3oz Castor Oil

12oz water (30%)

6.5 lye (4% superfat)

Brought it to a thick trance and poured it into my mold, set the oven to warm and let bake for 1.5 hrs. Turned oven off. Well my little girl came along and turned the oven back on :undecided so it cooked on warm all night. In the morning i removed it and it wasnt soo bad, except it was a little chalky and real soft like clay. I let it stay in the mold till I came home from work and it was still real soft.

I chopped it up and stuck it in a large pot on the stove set on warm,added 3oz water and slowly melted it back down. Poured it back into the mold and let it sit on the counter overnight again. The next mroning I woke up and it was softer then the morning before. It is pretty liquid and didnt harden up a bit after the remelt.

So whats going on?? It seems to be lathering very well, when i rub some of the liquid in my hands under the water. It seems like i made liquid soap or somthing. How do I get it to harden back up? Do I add more lye?:( I would just hate to see this expensive Olive Oil go to waste. Please Help

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alright, well after reading a couple of other recent posts about rebatching, I guess it seems i may have added too much water too. I thought I would have been okay with such a large water discount to begin with, but it looks like it probably wont ever harden back up. :cry2::cry2:.

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If all else fails, try it one more time and add 10%-20% salt to it at the end. Let it melt totally and get it as smooth as possible before doing this. You'll have to move quickly to get it into the mold, and you will have to unmold it, and cut it, within just a few hours to avoid crumbling. I do hot process only, and add 10% salt to almost all my batches to make them harder. It changes the texture of the soap, but not necessarily in a bad way; it's just different.

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