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Get Layed - its a good thing.


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No, not sex (great sadness).

Pringles cans - been there, done that. I like the round idea in theory but the bars just don't fit in my little hand (still haven't gotten BF to cut the 2.5" PVC btw, and now he's thrown his back out.... excuses excuses).

So I've left the pringles cans behind and moved on to LAYS CANS. The bottom portion is odd shaped, but it's the perfect size and shape in the middle! Great for a pound batch or so.

I made a batch today, but totally screwed up by

1. not lubing the mold (line it, or lube it - rule to live by!)

2. taking it out of the mold before it was totally cool

But from what I could tell it would have beeen perfect if not for 1 & 2 above. Not sure if I'll cut ON the lines or between them, but I LOVE the mold.

I left it intact (wll use lots of mineral oil next time) and just poured it. It didn't get hot like a pringles can, in fact I ended up insulating it. Stood it up in a pitcher for 8 hours (should have left it 12-24). Then I cut off the top part and the bottom, and carefully slit down the side and just peeled the can off.

I promise I"ll post pics of the next one. Just have to eat another can which will take me, say - 12 hours????

It's a good thing!

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Thanks for the laughs Carol-wish I could get Layed-but alas don't really care for potato chips. :undecided

Although, my dog LOVES tennis balls and those cans/containers make AWESOME soap also. :D

Of course now I have the reg. tube molds in various shapes and sizes, but I always come back to my tennis ball container. ;)

Soooooo are the chips gone yet??? LOL

OH, and can't wait to see your creations when you get them chips eaten. :D

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Hey, I didn't know Lays makes chips in cans like Pringles does. I never tried Pringles cans because I didn't want to get fat. I'm glad you managed to find 2.5" diameter PVC pipes. I remember you were asking about them a few weeks ago. Did you end up managing to find them locally? Oh yeah, when I first got my pipe, I had to wait a long time for them to be cut up as well.

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Oh the Lays are sooooo much better than the Pringles. Don't try them - trust me!

Actually my BF's family owns a commercial refrigeration company and his brother found some 2.5" in the shop! So now I have 5" of pipe in my living room (if I put it away I'll forget to EVER cut it!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying it again folks - with the caveat this is a new recipe, new FO, and of course a relatively new mold. And because I'm a glutton for punishment I tried an in-the-pot swirl. So much to learn from this batch!

Anyway, it's in the can, on the counter (inside a big ole pitcher) not insulated or anything. This time I WILL be patient. I WILL NOT touch it for at least 24 full hours. (and I DID remember to lube the can with mineral oil!).

Unfortunately tomorrow is a work day so it'll have to wait probably about 30 hours, but I'll try oh try to hold out!

Pics will be posted no matter what the results.

BTW, the Lays can holds 700 grams oils PERFECTLY.

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