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Need soap advice from the experts please


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In my most recent batch of soap I decided to replace 12% of my Olive Oil with Sunflower Oil. After the soap was made and put to bed for the night I began to clean up and realized that I failed to put the Sunflower in the soap pot. It was still sitting on my scale. :o So, can I save it? Will I need to rebatch it? :tiptoe: I'm going to tiptoe to my corner feeling really silly.

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I don't like rebatching, however, I found a method that worked perfectly for me. I made a lavender/eucalyptus batch last week, and when I cut it into bars, I noticed chunks of lye. I didn't skip any oils or anything, so I figured things did not fully incorporate; lye/oils ( bad night;) ) Instead of shredding the entire batch, I cut it into cubes, put them into boiling bags and placed the bag into a pot of boiling water on the stove for 1 to 1 & 1/2 hours. The cubes melted beautifully! Whenever I've done a rebatch with the shreds, I would always get a few shreds that did not fully melt and you can see them in the finished bars. To make a long story short, the cubes melted fully and the bars are very nice, IMO of course. check it out http://www.mygiftblvd.com/lavendereuca.html

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