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Walgreen's Containers


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If any of you got the leaf crock containers from Walgreen's last year, they have a different leaf-design crock this year. It's slightly smaller, but that works for me since the price of wax and shipping have gone up--I'm thinking maybe I can keep the price the same as last year with a smaller container!! I got all my store had (only 8!!) and thought I'd give all of you a heads-up that they're in the stores now. Last year's style was a very good seller for me and I cleaned out 5 different stores when I was on vacation!



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I will check around and see where the closest one is to me.My guess is 25 miles.That is where I remember seeing a ad for one.Will have to check.I also haven't been to Big Lots yet to see what they have.Got some cute containers last year but the problem is if you get them they are gone the next time you go.


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My memory is so terrible--but I'll try to remember to take a picture tonight and post it!! They're really cute crocks, though. It was quite an ordeal trudging through the huge car show in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, carrying bags with 28 ceramic crocks on vacation last year! The traffic and parking there were horrible so we didn't even attempt to move our car closer to the store, so DH and I took turns carrying the bags for about a mile to our car.

And oh, how I miss Big Lots!! We had a great store here that was almost always busy; don't know why, but it was closed this past spring. It was at least a weekly stop for me.

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Luci, what I couldn't understand is that the nearest Big Lots was very clean and neat and seemed to do lots of business. One a few miles away is several years older, grungy, and people I know won't go there because it seems so nasty. My DIL would drive past that one and go about 10 miles to the one that closed and I heard several other people say the same thing. Yet they closed the nice one and left the other one open!

Sorry--my rant for the day!!


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All of us in town were surprised when the closing was announced. I guess at the national level, sales just weren't up to par. The closest now is right in Myrtle Bch, and I don't go into that area during the season. If I happen by one when I'm on the road, I go into it!

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Did you sell candles at the car show?My friend goes to car shows (Tenn,KY.IN. and Ohio)and she said candles are sold and for a short time she sold candles at car shows.She got hers wholesale in TENN.I am sure she said candles were sold there.


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Scents and More--Yes, those are the ones I got. The coffee mugs are beautiful, but they're $2.99 each and the crocks with lids are only $0.99--so that's what I chose!! Also, the mugs are really larger than the size I can sell easily. By the way, the other color is a deep green. The leaf design makes them look like an autumn item, and the colors look Christmas-y, so I think they may sell through the entire season.

Lynn--no, I didn't sell at the car show. We were there on vacation, not even knowing the car show was going on, and just happened upon it. It was such an amazing show that we're going back this year and staying at the hotel where the show is based.


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Those crocks are nice.I looked at the ones this year and really like them BUT after looking at those for last year I have to I say like those the best.The problem is a new style this year.Now I have to check the phone book and see where a Walgreen is near me.I amd sure the closest is 25 miles.


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How funny that you posted this, as I just bought a few of those crocks yesterday at my Walgreens. :)

My store was already putting in the Halloween stuff yesterday. EEK

These crocks actually are really nice and look better in person than the pic. ;)

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I've gotton to 1 out of 4 WG's 'near' me and grabbed a tray of 8 so far - seems as though that's all they have - when they have them.

I agree they look nicer in person. My mom and aunt really like them. Have filled one and did a marathon burn today. Off to 2 of the other stores tomorrow!!

Thanks for the heads up!

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