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Keep me out of wholesale florist supply stores!


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Right across the street from where I work in my day job is a wholesale florist supply. I just found it, and they're going out of business in 2 weeks :( A huge warehouse of silk and dried flowers, ribbons, dishes, baskets, ballons, cards, organza bags.......

Everything is 1/2 off wholesale :) I was there again at lunch, my second trip - can you see 12 sticks of 10" cinnamon for $1.50 :) Or a dozen dried rosebuds on stems for $1? Or Christmas pics for baskets for $.50 50 yards of beautiful ribbon for $1...

Big flat tin buckets for $1..... I can see bath balls heaped up in them....

Anyway, what kind of supply store is your downfall? If you could spend $$$$....

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Actually my down fall is not stores but auctions my DH finally had to put his foot down, he doesn't not argue about me going he just hides anything I can use to spend money with, checkbook, wallet, CC, ATM card. I will bid on the craziest things. I use to end up with more junk. I don't go any more cause what is the fun if you can't spend money and you miss such great deals. LOL

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Robin, I TRULY understand!!!!!!!!!!!! My downfall is the dollar stores ... Dollar Tree and Deals! All those $1 items add up in a hurry and I usually end up spending a small fortune. I used to spend even more at Big Lots but, unfortunately for me but fortunately for my checkbook, they closed ours last year!

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Old Time Pottery

I can spend hours in that store. Everytime we are in Murfreesboro, I have to go!! The kids have learned to bring the ipod or a magazine so they can hang out in the snack area while I shop. :D Needless to say - The kids HATE Old Time Pottery.

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It has to be Lush. O.K I know it's not strictly supplies but as I don't make my own b&b I have to get a fix somewhere....& for the really practical things the local poundshop is great for things like plastic storage boxes with lids & those food storage boxes for tarts.


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I used to shop at Target constantly. Who could resist 90% off sales?!?!? Not me! I was there first thing in the morning and would buy bags and bags of stuff. People were amazed at what I could get for 10 cents!

When golf clubs went on sale for 75% off, I would buy a couple sets and then sell them on ebay. Car seats, strollers - people would pay store price plus shipping because it was the "pattern" that was clearanced out and they just HAD TO HAVE IT to match everything else. I could make a couple hundred dollars in a weekend just reselling these items. It was definitely an addiction!!

But then I started pouring any extra money into candle supplies...........end of story........LOL

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My favorite store is the Flower Factory.It is a wholesale store but getting more and more expensive.Candle jars went from $6.50 to $7.75 this year so I guess will order on-line or go to WalMart.I think they are about $7.00 but I am in there almost everyday.

The Flower Factory you can find all that you mentioned Robin.Not prices like that though.Good deals on that going out of business sale.If you are like me you will get more than you will ever need.Reminds me I need to take inventory.The other day I got 8 rolls of Whraphia ribbon in all the colors I like. Some pastels and some fall.It was $1.89 for 20 yards.Have no idea if that is good but got it anyway since I was there. Broke down and brought 2 boxes of jars because I needed some NOW.Get more later at a better price.

Check out the Flower Factory.They are on-line.I love to shop but like I said it is higher than a few years ago when I joined and also much higher since last year.


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I like office supply stores, lol. I never use the stuff, but love to buy pens, all kinds!!

Robin, lucky you with that warehouse going out of business! We have a floral supply place here, but the prices are not like that!!

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Ohhhh you're soooo lucky Robin!! Well, maybe not since I'm sure your pocketbook is getting lighter and lighter by the day. ;)

I'm a fool for that kind of stuff also, ribbons and baskets and flowers etc. I love decorative wrapping supplies.

I've been known to spend a hefty amount on some ribbon I "just had to have". ;)

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