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If you could only have ONE FO supplier....


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That's a good point Silver. It seems everytime a friend stops in I end up having to pull out product and letting them try it. Even thopugh it is my favorite thing to talk about sometimes I need a break from it.

Now back to the orignial question of the thread. I would have to say Peaks first then Scent Works second.

Boy Carol that is tough not being able to pick up at SW.But then again I would be there everyday for the scent of the day (LOL) It would be tough on my budget! Sue

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OK, I'll play.

One supplier?

Bitter Creek North- WYW oils

Have you tried the Lemongrass and Star Anise in oil? I've only soaped it. OOB I did not care for this, but boy is it nice in soap. I need to get around to tring it in wax. Was wondering what it was like in wax and I know you started playing with soy.

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