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For Sabrina ...


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Thanks Mozzie, You answered my question...doesn't the glass holder get hot while burning? Could this be done with glass votive holder or would it get too hot? Probably would with a votive since people would have a tendency to burn until votive was gone. I love answering my own questions...Ginger

Hey Ginger, why not give it a try with a glass votive holder and let us know how it works out. Best of luck. Mozzie

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First where do you get the glass t-lite holders? Have been looking around at the craft stores and haven't seen anything. Need some thick glass votive holders. Have some thin ones but afraid they would break if used over and over in a everlasting candle.

What is that weight? Seems like I have seen something like that but where??? Love your candle and plan on making some pillars myself when the holidays are over. Got some wax 4045h and was told to add a little Micro 180 to make it a little harder.

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First where do you get the glass t-lite holders? Have been looking around at the craft stores and haven't seen anything. Need some thick glass votive holders. Have some thin ones but afraid they would break if used over and over in a everlasting candle.

What is that weight? Seems like I have seen something like that but where??? Love your candle and plan on making some pillars myself when the holidays are over. Got some wax 4045h and was told to add a little Micro 180 to make it a little harder.

Hi Sharon, I got my glass holders from an Australian supplier so I don't think that that will be of much use to you. The glass is pretty thick so I think that you're right to not want to risk using thin ones. Now for the weight. I use a 1/2 kilo weight purchased from a fitness centre. It looks like an iron bar and is meant to be used in a kind of contraption lined with pouches and strapped around one's legs to increase resistance- as you get fitter you add more weights to the pouches. Not sure about 4045h as we don't have the same waxes over here as you but my palm wax has a melt point of about 62C and it seems to work just fine without any additives. Guess that the best thing to do is simply experiment for yourself. Good luck and hope that I've been of some assistance. Cheers, Mozzie

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