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Palm Candles

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OMGosh!! I just tried palm wax for the first time and made myself a three layer palm candle scented in Beautiful! I just love how this looks!! I am so hooked now!! Why the heck cant I have a supplier that is so much closer to me than BCN so I don't have to buy a UPS truck when I pay for shipping charges all the time! LOL I think I own a fleet of trucks by now as I'm sure most of you do too!

I just wanted to say thank you to all you wonderful CTers as I have learned so much these last almost 10 months that I have been on this board!! I never would have taken many plunges had I not read your posts or seen some of your pictures! You all have opened up a wonderful world for me to enjoy! Being disabled, I thought I was going to get stuck with a total desk job from home but now I can work on starting a business from home that I love and enjoy and one that will allow me to be creative and yet still fulfill my dream of owning a craft store!! Granted I wanted to be a ob/gyn/pediatric nurse first and a have a craft store in my golden years but oh well, I got lucky being disabled as I get to start way early!! I always knew that God had great things in store for me when I became disabled and again when I lost my lawsuit and after many, many hours of research and tons more to come, I can still fulfill a dream but not without the help from so many of you! Thank you for your contributions to this board and to those of you who have personally answered questions for me Thank You!

Many of you may think I am being overly silly here but this is very emotional for me! After 10 years of being disabled, I can have hopes and dreams again and work and love it!! I never thought I would have that when I became disabled! Ive always thought positive but I was also realistic! I never gave up hope that someday........I would find something that I could honestly do from home and TRY to enjoy! I never dreamed Id find something that Id love so much!!

So, for all of you newbies, which I still consider myself, research, ask questions, test, test, research some more and test some more! Go for it!!!!! Once you start, most of you will be totally hooked!! Just guard your check book and credit cards and be smart!!!

Thanks again and God Bless,


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I own 3 UPS trucks:D I'm so glad you have found something that you can do & it makes you happy! I don't think you are being silly at all. I just found out I have some problems that there is no cure for so I may be looking at disabilities in the future, which is very scary. It also may mean giving up the candle business that I love so much. Time will tell. Happy candlemaking!!

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I got the feathering palm as I love the look and effects of that wax so much more than the crystallizing kind! I did get a lb. of the crystallizing wax from HL just to try! Its OK but.......well, I just love the feathering kind!! Wicking, well, I haven't burnt these candles yet as I'm letting them cure a couple of days and then will try burning them! I used a flat braide, ONLY because with the crystal palm kit that I got from HL, the wicking was in there and I don't have any of the flat braide wicking so Id thought Id try it out! I'm sure its going to take me a few attempts to get the proper wicking down also!

How far from Ashland do you live SC?? Most of my supplies come from BCN, which is nice that I can use mainly one company except for scents and bath and body items but it is so far from me! Id love to go through Aztec or Alabaster but they don't carry my waxes! Urrrrrrg!

Thank you all for not thinking me so silly in my original post! It was so nice to go to bed last night and be happy with hope! DH wasn't as supportive as he just wants to know when I am going to start making money! He doesn't get that I have alot of testing to do and I wont put my name out there till I have quality products and the entire bisn. plan set up! I do not want this to fail and its better to build up my stock and test and research and get established properly than to just throw something out there and possibly give myself a bad name! He just see's the $$$$ signs that have been spent. Now I'm trying to figure out how the heck to get some help! LOL Health really makes it hard to be dependable and its not like I can guarantee that I can pour or make any items on certain days and do paper work on others, I have to work according to my health and also how my grandmother, who lives with me and I care for, is doing. I'm a determined person and really want and need this to work out so I am going to be as smart as I can be!!

With that being said..........off to do more research! LOL

God Bless and thank you all for your sweet comments! I promise to post pictures soon! I'm still waiting to get my loaned out camera back!


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Well, BCN is not right door for sure, it is 4 hours away but I keep a running list of things I need and plan an extra day for it when we go to the cottage which is 3 hours away so it works out OK for us. It is a nice scenic drive in the fall when the leaves turn color so we enjoy nature on the way.

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