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My hubby made me a 14lb soap mold, and on my 3rd batch with it I left the soap in there for 48 hours, due to unmolding the first 2 at 24 hours they were pretty soft still. Ok, so this one looks great, pull it out cut it in half so it will fit on my curing rack, as I'm walking over I feel/see this gush of water and turn the soap over and it has a huge hole in it... lye pocket... major lye pocket - instantly had to set down the soap and run for the vinegar, my hands were burning. Anyway, both 7lb logs have this in one spot, I would rebatch, but I'm concerned at the lye concentration, but bummed to think about throwing away that much soap.... anyone have this happen? Is it possibly the longer time in the mold? Your opinions?

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I am almost positive that my measurements were accurate, this size mold is new to me, so I know I checked everything twice. The only thing I can think of is that the lye was new from a chemical supplier locally, but I also made 6lbs more that night with that same lye and that soap is fine. I guess if I could rebatch it, I need to know how much more oils to add to make it not lye heavy. Any one have any clues on that? I've had zappy soap before, but not gushing lye water soap lol. (tossing this soap would cost me $34.00! EEK!)

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Can you tell I'm on? I'm answering as soon as replies are posted, lmbo. This soap I did not color because it was Fudge Brownie scented and will turn dark on its own, so I took my time (especially with this much soap, lol) and let it come to medium trace, turning off the stickblender and just stirring in between, so I dont think I had false trace. I dropped in a few handfuls of chunked up cocoa soap, and poured it, it looked/behaved beautifully. I am sooo confused. The first 2 batches with this mold I had multiple colors, swirls, and additives and did not have this happen.

Carebear: Do you mean all the liquids that gushed out? All that ended up on my kitchen floor, and I have 3 year twins ( I cut this during the day) I had to scream to Do Not Come In Here - I was more concerned for them than the soap, so I mopped it up asap.

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Carebear: Do you mean all the liquids that gushed out? All that ended up on my kitchen floor, and I have 3 year twins ( I cut this during the day) I had to scream to Do Not Come In Here - I was more concerned for them than the soap, so I mopped it up asap.

Obviously a good move on your part!

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What about overheating and seperation taking place? Additives and/or sometimes the FO can cause this to happen. Unless it was a great deal of liquid, I wouldn't be concerned about the batch having too much of a lye discount. If you are real concerned about it, you could always rebatch to make sure everything is incorportated well, then cube it up or grate it up and add it to another batch. It's eventually going to end up brown? Add those grates to a very white soap batch and it'll look great.

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Now This Is The Reason Why I'm Too Scared To Do Cp Soap That Calls For Lye!!! My Luck That Would Happen To Me Or I'd Blow Up My Kitchen...eeekkkkk

More Freak Stories I Read More I Lean Away From Temptations Of Making Cp Soap...haha

Soo Sorry That Happened To You...hope You Can Save Your Batch.



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I think there are a lot of new soapers, that's why there's more issues related to lye, at least that's what I am seeing.

RD - don't be overly concerned. Just make sure to follow safety precautions and keep all children and pets out of the area you are soaping in and clean up after the batch (and in this case, after the cutting).

Find a soaper that's been doing it for awhile and follow a recipe of theirs. If you choose to use an FO, make sure you use one that you can find reviews on and one that is EASY to use. Until you are experienced, use a thermometer. Go to Kathy Miller's site and read up on all the info she has there. I felt more comfortable after reading her site a few times.

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Well, after 3 days the soap still has issues, I chopped up one 7lb batch, discarded the lye heavy spots, and rebatched the rest. I am now thinking it was maybe the FO - I used Fudge Brownie from fragrancesandflavors, a division of WSP a scent I have never used before. It had seperation issues, more than just the holes. Live and learn I guess. lol

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