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Need Help Deciding on Booth Size


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I need help! There is a private school in my area (around 800 students--that's large for a private school around here) that has had an annual fall festival for about 20 years. Last year they decided to add a craft show and said it was very successful (I couldn't attend last year). So I've been planning on doing this one all year long. I got my brochure last night and the booths are only 10 x 8. I've never done a show with booth spaces that small, and they're lined up with dividers between them so you can't walk around the outside area. So I'm stumped about whether I need to get more than one booth. The prices are:

10 x 8 ($50), 15 x 8 ($70), or 20 x 8 ($85); plus 10% commission on sales

The school provides one 6-foot table and 2 chairs. I just don't see any way you can fit 2 chairs inside a booth that people will be walking into to look at products, so I'm trying to decide whether I need to get a larger space. I usually have my 10 x 10 pretty full and set up a "checkout" table outside the booth, along with our chairs, so the question is whether to bring less product or get more space. I've about talked myself into the extra 20 bucks for the 15 x 8 but would like other opinions. By the way, when I called the promoter this morning with questions, she did say I could have a corner, which sounds good to me!! Of course, then I thought it may be a back corner and it may not be a good thing.

Thanks for any input,


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I'd opt for the bigger space. If a 10x10 is pretty full, then would a 23' space be big enough or just enough to get what you want? The additional 3' though isn't a lot more, but given the width might likely be 15' there's an opportunity to spread out more. A corner spot is usually lovely ;) Depends on the direction the bulk of the traffic flows though. At shows we've done, the back corners tend to get a lot of business.

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For me the 10x8 would work fine, if the 10' was the frontage. My big holiday fair is only an 8x8 booth - I've got 4' tables, though, so with my 3 tables I can get quite a bit in there if I do a |_| type of thing. Having 15' would be nice tho :) that would just be 4 more bars of soap :) to sell

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For me the 10x8 would work fine, if the 10' was the frontage. My big holiday fair is only an 8x8 booth - I've got 4' tables, though, so with my 3 tables I can get quite a bit in there if I do a |_| type of thing. Having 15' would be nice tho :) that would just be 4 more bars of soap :) to sell

Would your |_| be facing the customers or where they could walk in? If the |_| was facing outward, the chairs could be inside, but the only display space available is the frontage. Maybe I just have old, tired feet, but I'm not sure I could stand the entire day with no sit-down break!!

And I'm assuming you're teasing me? Only 4 more bars in 5 feet????:wink2:

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Here's what I did in an 8x8 with 3 tables. It was a tight fit, I had a line. The back table was only 2' in, so I had 4' behind me for chair/packaging station..


This year I'm probably just going to do an L - 2 tables across the back, and one table along the side. That's 10' "table frontage", gives room for more shoppers. Or, have the back table a full 4' back instead of just 2', so it's deeper.

and I meant it would just take 4 -5 more bars of soap to clear the extra $ spent on the bigger booth :)

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Guys, thanks so much for your thoughts and suggestions. I had to get the form in the mail last Friday, so I went with the 15-foot size. Like Robin said (after I finally understood!!!), it will only be a few more candles to sell to cover the difference, and I believe I will set it up in a "U" shape and leave walking space on each side.

Again, thanks for your thoughts.


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