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another newbie with a ?


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Hi Everyone!

I've been reading everything I can on soaping for the past 4-5months. I'm not one to jump into anything unless I research it thoroughly. I started out in this world with my candles......love my formula! Then I wanted to expand so I got into lotions and body washes.

This still has fulfilled my addiction so now, I want to take the plunge with CP soap. What I was wondering and hoping for, was some input to my recipe and any suggestions on what to do different if it doesn't look quite right.

Hardness 36%

Cleansing 19%

Conditioning 58%

Fluffy 19%

Stable 16%

Iodine 77%

Also, I thought I'd add my mango butter as an additive @ trace. I was thinking somewhere between 2-3oz. How is this going to impact the overall quality of my soap (harder? softer? too oily?)

I realize I need to just make it and see what happens but would appreciate any help or tips on what I should do different, if anything and what else I should be aware of? Thanks!

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Posting your recipe and size would help so that we can see what ingredients you are using to get those numbers and offer suggestions.

As far as adding mango butter at trace, you have to be careful that you don't add too much at trace as it can affect the lathering qualities of your soap and make it softer. I do love mango butter in soap. You can incorporate the mango in with your recipe instead of at trace and just superfat it at 5% to get some of the qualities of your oils and butters left in it.

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Your hardness is just fine, actually you can probably even go down to 32 and still have a nice hard bar. Mango will raise your stable/creamy lather tremendously. I use butters at 15% normally for each batch.

Its hard to tell you how to incorporate the mango into your recipe because you would have to lession another oil in its place to make room and you arent posting your recipe, so I can not help you any further.

Dont be shy, we really do like helping and are not out to steal anyones ideas. :-D

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