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Slab and Cut of "Be Delicious" soap


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A picture of the slab I made last night. It's TSW's "Be Delicious" and as you can see it's *very* purple. Threw in some green-yellow swirlies and gold mica on top.


Okay, I went and cut it:


BTW, this scent is da BOMB! Only accelerated a little, and soaping it seems to smooth out the sharpness of the scent. :)



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Thanks for looking and commenting, everyone! The color I had in mind was actually a bit different than it turned out, but I'm not complaining. I love royal purple!!

GG: I think you had recently mentioned you were going to send some Be Delicious soap to me. Um, guess what? Ya don't have to now (unless you still want to). ;):D

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Hey I though I was the official Be Delicious Ho...

Gorgeous soap Mag! I love the purple & the swirls :highfive:

Grumpy probably hasn't made any Be Delicious as she knows I'm keeping her supplied as my "tester", lol.

Oh no girl, you're the official enabler to the rest of us broke Ho's. LMAO!

I soaped it, I had to... however, the sweet layer, you can continue to supply me on that one, I love testing every form of it. Wonder how foot cream would be in Be Delicious? Muwhahahaha.

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Wonder how foot cream would be in Be Delicious? Muwhahahaha.

Sure a foot cream would be nice, but what about body buttah, wrinkle cream, linen spray, bath bombs, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, aperitif (perfect name for wishful dinner thoughts when you've got a new chef in town, no?) :grin2:

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