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8 oz Tureen Jar wicking

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I'm trying to test burn my 8 oz Tureen jars. I poured them up with out wicks and inserted them after curing to test them to be sure they worked. My problem is that the jar is too short and the wick burns down quicker than out. So before I can find out if the wick works for the jar it goes horizantal and drowns.

I am testing RRDs, Zincz, and HTPs in GL's 70/30.

My question is what wick have you found to work in this wax in the 8 oz Tureen Jar? I'd rather not have to remelt the candles, to put in a wick with a tab to hold it down, and then find out that it doesnt work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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I use the tureen jars for all my testers (for scent throw). I use the GL-70/30 in addition to my soy and have been using Hemp wicks to test with in the GL-70/30. I double wick in the tureens. Since I am not testing for wicks right now in the tureens with this wax and just testing for scent throw it does not bother me that I have to adhere the wicks (unless the wick flame is totally wimpy which would give a lousy throw).

I know what you mean about the shallow jars being a pain to test in. I have been wick testing in the 10 oz. apothecary jar which is also shallow. I have to adhere the wicks in order to test just like you will have to do in the tureens. Now that I know the wax much better, I can usually pick the right wick the first time, but not always. If I know for sure the wick does not work, I melt it down and maybe add another oz. or two of wax (with FO) to the melted down wax and repour it in the container with the new wick chosen. If I do not positively know that the wick is wrong, I will make another candle competely with the same scent and with another size wick and burn both at the same time to compare, etc.

I have found that with FO from 8-9% that either 2 Hemp Lgs. (1200) or 2 Hemp Meds. (838) work the best. I have not worked with any other wicks that much with the GL-70/30 other than the RRD's, a bit. The Hemps seem to be working fine. I may give some other wicks a try to compare.

You will find that you will have to repour or remake more candles in the beginning than after you get to know the wax and jar better. If you have Hemp wicks, I would start with two Hemp Lgs 1200. This is if you use between 8-9% FO. If you use less than that, you may be able to go with 2 Hemp med. 838 more often than me.


~Holly :)

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I just realized that you do not have Hemps. I have not used the RRD's much in the GL-70/30 so I can't give you a solid answer on that, but I usually end up using two RRD 40's and not usually lower than the 37's. If you use less oil than you could probably go lower than the 37's. I have found that the Hemp Lg. is pretty close to the RRD 40's.

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I just realized that you do not have Hemps. I have not used the RRD's much in the GL-70/30 so I can't give you a solid answer on that, but I usually end up using two RRD 40's and not usually lower than the 37's. If you use less oil than you could probably go lower than the 37's. I have found that the Hemp Lg. is pretty close to the RRD 40's.

Hm I hadnt thought about the Hemps. I'll have to look into those.


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This is a real hard to burn 70/30 (70% soy and 30% paraffin). So far, I have not been able to use anything smaller than a Hemp med. which would probably me equivalent to a RRD 34 or 37. I have also read that different areas can make a difference in wicking -- which can be a real bummer. Ash, what percentage of FO are you using?

With this wax, if your flames are the least bit wimpy you will not get a complete meltpool out to the sides all the way around -- there will be a little bit of hangup in places. Which batch do you have? Do you have batch #6? I have not gotten that batch yet so it could be slightly different that the batch I have (batch #4). Altough, I heard that the wicking did not change. It may burn better now -- not down so much and maybe a little easier to get off the sides. ?? :rolleyes2

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Good Morning,

That would be 6% FO (.0625) if you figure it the easy way (1 divided by 16). I am too sleepy to explain the other way. I forget what they call the other way -- total volume?

If you recently received your wax, most likely you received batch #6. You can email Brenda and let her know when you purchased it and she can let you know which batch you have.

~Holly :)

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Good Morning,

That would be 6% FO (.0625) if you figure it the easy way (1 divided by 16). I am too sleepy to explain the other way. I forget what they call the other way -- total volume?

If you recently received your wax, most likely you received batch #6. You can email Brenda and let her know when you purchased it and she can let you know which batch you have.

~Holly :)

How do I contact Brenda? Is the email on GL's site?

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