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I got down and dirty with the HP over the weekend!


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It seemed to go OK, although I think I'll stick with CP for the creaminess of the end result. I'll continue to experiment with HP 'cause I'm sure the texture was user error more than any true difference in the finished product...

Definite positives are that I was able to take a shower with my soap the next morning! And oooooh, was it a nice soap (buttermilk and carrot, olive oil base with a bit of castor oil--kind of expensive because of the OO, so it'll probably be a "family" soap). It had a lovely creamy yet bubbly lather, and felt so good on my skin!

I also made a peppermint/rosemary/lavender soap that smells delicious, but is a little too crumbly for comfort. Definitely overcooked! Can HP be rebatched? I hate to lose all my nummy scent, but soap has to stick together before it can be used, eh?

Those of you who HP, is the texture that radically different from CP? Did I just cook mine too long in true newbie fashion?

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Next time try adding 1 TBL sugar ppo to your water before you add the lye. Stir well to dissolve all the sugar. This will increase fluidity at pouring time.

Also, try cooking just until it is all translucent and loose (easy to stir). Take it from the heat, stir in your goodies, and mold. Work quickly; as it cools, it hardens. Slam the mold down as was suggested in the previous post.

Good luck! :)

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I added sugar, but based on the rest of your response I definitely cooked tooooooo long. It was mostly mashed potatoes by the time I packed it into my molds. All the slamming in the world (enough that DH called out several times "Are you OK?....You sure you're OK?" while I was manhandling my molds and soap) wasn't going to get it packed into the corners, or even to smooth it out along the top of the soap (bottom of the mold...).

One question--if I have a mold that is only approved to 145 degrees F, can I wait until the HP cools to that temp before pouring into the mold? Or should I just use molds that will stand up to the higher temperatures? I have one particular mold that I really like, but it's only rated to 145.

Can HP be rebatched?

I'm thinking I might try the OHP next. Less babysitting. My arm wanted to fall OFF after sitting there for something like an hour and a half stirring, stirring, stirring so I didn't get scorching and/or volcanoes.

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I only do HP in the crockpot. I add silk and sugar to the lye water, and since adding silk, I find the soap is a little easier to mold, and the lather is incredible. I just cook mine to the stage that looks like applesauce (or translucent). I don't stir while it is cooking. Then I stir it really well and it looks like mashed potatoes. I read somewhere that when you stir it, if it sticks to the spoon, it is done. Then I add all my goodies and spoon it in the mold and bang it on the floor till it smooths into the corners. The tops are rough, but I use a log mold and when I cut it the top just looks textured. HTH.


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1.5 hours is way too long. It should be ready in 30-45 minutes. I prefer CP, but save HP for FO's that I love that I know will seize. Sure you can rebatch HP. I was doing CPOP, but when I finally got brave enough to discount the water, I get a nice hard batch with a short cure that way.

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That's correct; I cook until it's all translucent and applesaucy looking. It's much easier to work with at that stage. If you wait until it goes mashed potatoes, it's going to be dry / less fluid.

I go to translucent/applesauce and loose/easy to stir. Stir in goodies and mold; it pretty much goes to mashed potatoes while I'm stirring it and molding it, kwim?

At any rate, I get no zap when I hp this way. Oh, and I do my hp mostly in a warm oven.

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