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Confused about double and triple scented candles

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Ok, maybe it's me but I'm reading alot of this lately and I don't get it. What's the deal with these "triple scented candles"? I've seen them for soy as well as parafin. I use CB advanced and the max fo they suggest using is 10-12% but recommend using 5-6% (I believe). Does this mean that these other comapnies are using more than the suggested max amount? Wouldn't that affect the way the candle burned? Or would it mean they just need to use a monster wick?

Am I having a blonde moment here or did I just enjoy too much wine tonight? I just don't get it. Can you help me understand? Please?

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Well, it is a marketing term, for sure. But if the average candlemaker uses 5% then if you use 10%+ or whatever, than I guess that is technically double or triple scented.....we just say highly scented as you don't have to use more if you are using a good oil :)

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From what I've seen and heard over the past year, at one time paraffin could only hold about 3% FO load. When techniques and wax blends improved, then they could hold 6% load, thus "double scented." Then someone got the bright idea to run it up to 9% and advertise it as "triple scented." It's mostly an advertising gimmick, since most A-grade FOs can throw well at 5% to 7%.

professor geek :rolleyes2

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Nothing irriates me more than to see someone say they sell/make double or triple scented candles and tarts.!! Ack...no such thing!! Wax only holds what wax holds.. not double or triple that!!

If I make a candle and I use the correct amount of fo that it holds, it is just as strong as anybody elses candle/tarts that does the same thing.

My candles/tarts are heavily scented. Not meaning they have more oil than anyone elses.. just that they smell strong. That is what heavy means.

If you double and triple scent candles...they won't burn.

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geekrunner is correct. It's not a marketing ploy. It's merely the differences in waxes today and the waxes of yesteryear, and the amount of fo the wax will hold. Since most buyers of candles don't know any of this, you can market your candles as triple-scented if you use 9% fo.

If your wax can hold 9%, and most container waxes do, your candle will burn perfectly fine. Waxes nowdays have additives to allow more oil to be used.

Years ago, candles didn't smell nearly as strong or last nearly as long as they do tday. A candle was a candle. Today, if properly made, a candle can scent an entire home, not just a single small room.

3%: single scented.

6%: double scented.

9%: triple scented.

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I've used this marketing ploy before (when I had my shop). Most people don't have a clue as to what wax will hold or not...it just sounds like they are getting more for their money! I use only 1oz fo per llb of wax, sometimes less if the fo is strong enough.

I don't mention anything anymore, I don't have to. My customers smell for themselves. ;)

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