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CP/HP Soap


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Okay I am going to try my hand at making this soap again in the crockpot and follow all the instructions this time lmao. I know that I read somewhere that she adds I think 1 tbsp. of sugar to her water. When putting AJ's recipe in the lye calculator I'm not sure what to put for superfat% and water discount. And if I remember correctly I use about 1 inch of Silk. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Thank you Thank you I got your PM also. Okie Dokie off to get some olive oil and give this another shot. Wish me LUCK!!!!:yay:I forgot one more question lmao. I'm making OMH and want to add a little oatmeal to it. Does this need to be figured in my lye calc?

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No, the oatmeal isn't put into the lye calc. If you are using the calculator at MMS, there is a section to list additives and a section for notes. I always list all additives and then clear the note section. I handwrite notes in that area, like if the FO seized, if I didn't like the soap, if it was drying, too scrubby. That way I have a reference next time.

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Okie Dokie folks my soap is cooking lmao I do have baby food oatmeal and thanks for letting me know when it was to be added. Also, I'm using Peaks OMH does this discolor the soap? I'm sooooooooo excited can ya tell lmao:yay:

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OMG :shocked2: this is going to be some GOSH AWFUL looking soap so I'm going to try my hand at CP. This HP just doesn't have the smooth look of the CP soap and that's what i like so well. So back to the drawing board and up the batch size.

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