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Moving Right Along-Conditioner & Hairdress!


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These are my first attempts at conditioner and hairdress I also made body cream/lotion but my sister took that when she tested it!..so back to what my husband refers to as the deadly chemical room to make more!

Gotta say this is the first thing that I've made that surprised me. I couldn't believe I made it and that it works!...:yay:

The conditioner is in the two large bottle and the haidress in the little tub.

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Oh hmmm let me go check;) I can only say that it's not greasy and it smooths and conditions..not sure I will call it a hairdress/hair dress haven't come up with name for it yet. Whipped a quick batch of body cream and added pics....this is so much fun.:yay:

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what is hairdress??? :confused:

I was wondering the same thing!

Hibiscus, it all looks fabulous though!!

Is the conditioner from scratch?? How SWEET!! I make a conditioner, it's not a base, but it's not exactly from scratch either. It comes in pellet form that you add thickener, water and another powder too also. I love it, but would LOVE to make it from scratch.. You do an awesome job with your liquid soap and B&B stuff. :)

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what is hairdress??? :confused:

Honestly I didn't know what to call it and that's the first thing that came to mind because I think vo5 has something called a hairdress or conditioning something or other..argh I can only say it is more of a light leave in conditioner:confused: that's basically for split ends fly aways, shine. It's about the consistency of petroleum jelly. I've seen it in sally's as a hair repair..hey what about damage control serum....sound good to me!

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Are those from your liquid soap base? Very cool looking

No, but they sure do help with conditioning after you wash with that LS. My LS tangles my hair so badly it feels like a birds nest and I would need 15 minutes of conditoning just to get my HUGE detangling comb through it..wellll now I can wash my hair with the LS and put this conditioner in for 5 minutes and as soon as the water hits it it smoothes out all the tangles and I can use a normal size comb..LOL

Hey, but you just gave me an idea for shampoo...gotta go shopping now:smiley2:

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From scratch. I am trying to do everything from scratch because these suppliers charge too much for their bases and they aren't ever exactly what you want and you have no control over the ingredients. From this expereince I think a lot of the ingredients in what they sell are fillers. Once you make your own you will feel so cheated when you compare it to the commercial stuff.

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